Foto bij Quotes 4

1.Yesterday is today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.

2Love is old,
Love is new,
Love is all,
Love is you
~The Beatles

3.Words don't have the power to hurt you,
Unless the person who said them means a lot to you

4.Isn't it funny,
how day by day nothing changes,
but when you look back,
everything is different
~C.S Lewis

5.People say hate is a strong word,
but so is love, and people throw
that around like it's nothing

6. My mum always said
things we lose have a way of coming back
to us in the end,
If not always in the way we expect
~Luna Lovegood

7.There is no secret routine.
There is no magical number of reps and sets.
What there is, is confidence, belief, hard work
on a consistant basis and a desire to succeed
~Steve Justa

9.Maybe it's not always about
trying to fix something broken
Mayeb it's about starting over and
creating something better.

10.Everyday of your life
is a page of your history.
Why not make a book worth reading.

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