Foto bij Hoofdstuk 21: Liam

En hier is hij dan!!!!! Mijn toekomstige man (in mijn dromen :D)

From the moment she enters the room, I can see she’s not that happy. Her friend almost freaks out, but she doesn’t move. All the girls hugs their friend and freak out when the meet us. I want to do something for her. ‘Zara? Can you come with me for a minute?’ let’s ask her. ‘Of course, Liam’, she says when she gets up. When we are alone I ask her: ‘I can see there’s something wrong between you and your friend.’ ‘She isn’t my friend anymore.’ ‘If you want to talk, I can listen.’ She looks in my eyes. I can see that she thinks they’re beautiful. ‘2 weeks ago, I saw her kissing with my boyfriend. And since then we aren’t friends anymore’, she explains. Oh no, that’s hard. ‘Zara, if I can do something, just say it.’ ‘Okay’, she says and then we walk back to the room. We talk a bit and then they have to go. I write something down and give it to her. Hope she lets me know something, because she’s special. I feel I’m going to miss her. She gives me a feeling that I don’t want to lose. The boys and I go backstage for a microphone and then we gave to go on stage. I immediately search Zara in the crowd. I know they had VIP-tickets, so I know where to look. I see her standing next to her friend. In the time Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall welcome our fans, I just look at her. She looks back and smiles. I smile back and now it’s my turn to say something. ‘Welcome everyone! Glad you’re here and we’re going to have some fun!’ We sing a few songs and now I’m going to do a move… ‘Hello everyone, before the concert we had a meet-and-greet with 2 amazing girls. Zara, this song is for you!’ Change my mind starts playing. When I sing I look at her reaction. She laughs and her eyes shines happiness. My mission is accomplish.

Reageer (1)

  • AnkePayne

    aaaaw :) je hebt een nieuwe abo meid!
    je verhaal klopt zot erg.. Door een vriend is de vriendschap tussn mij en mijn beste vriendin ook over en we gaan ook samen naar 1D.. Ik ben natuurlijk super blij dat ik ze eindelijk kan zien :) Het enige verschil met het verhaal is dat ik geen vip en m&g heb :)

    1 decennium geleden

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