Foto bij Prologue

Name: Vanessa Newton
Age: 19 Years
Residence: Londen ( UK )
BirthPlace: Bradford
Work: Primark ( SalesWoman)
Parents: Adam Newton, Sylvia Newton
Brothers/Sisters: David Newton 11 Years
Hobbies: Drawing, Dancing, Singing,Do stupid things and funny things with my friends,Going to Concerts.
Best Friends: Jaimy Jefferson, Allia Trima <33 ( Also Zayn malik but yea you know)


Dear Diary.

It has been a while since i've written anyhing in my diary
But i'm gonna write something about my past
When i was little i had one best friendd and his name is : zayn, but than my father got a good job offer in italy. so we moved to italy
And then i had to say it to my best friend in the whole world and yeah that's sucks
and when i said it to him , he was very angry and he walked away from me, and thats when i never saw him again.
and now we are back in The uk because my father is fired at his job in italy so we are back but we living in london right now and not bradford anymore, i just hope that is some day meet zayn again and say : i;m so sorry about everything, but i think when i'm gonna tell him that he doesn't want to be my friend because i think is is still mad at me .

Greeting Vanessa N.

Reageer (4)

  • LouTeasdale

    Mooi geschreven! (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • DiedeHorann

    En ik wil echt niet bot overkoen, maar ik hoop niet dat het hele verhaal in Engels is want het dagboek stukje is niet echt correct Engels. :$

    1 decennium geleden
  • DiedeHorann

    Ben het met Donoghue eens, verder be ik echt benieuwd! (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Dahl

    Like it. Maar ik zou het heel fijn vinden als je bij het woord : "I" de hoofdletter gebruikt en ook bij de naam "Zayn." Leest fijner (:

    1 decennium geleden

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