het verhaal is in het engels omdat ik het al geschreven heb op wattpad
er zullen spellingsfouten zijn omdat engels niet mijn moedertaal


I drop my backpack next to my workplace and look at the poster who I hung on the wall with some tape I found. I made it with photos from my heroes: my best friends, some music bands, actors. I also have some white place on the poster. When there are people I want to have on the poster too. I don't have to make a new one I just can add it.

I made the poster together with Emmalie. Emmalie is my best friend. We can't see each other much because she lives in Belgium. But we talk almost every day on twitter, msn and Skype.

i know my best friend lives in belgium.forever alone much? it's just because my mother is original from Belgium. her dream was to live in the uk . So she moved .

My father? I don't know who he is. My mum doesn't talk about him. And when i ask. My mum just stares in the deep and starts to cry.

My last name is Flemish. Devisch. My mum says that the English for that is 'the fish'. I really think it's funny. My last name is 'the fish'. Haha i don't know the last name of my father. But i like my last name. So i don't care about it.

Sometimes i even forget that normal familys have a father and a mother. That are the moments i'm happy and i don't have to be scared of the reaction of people. Then everything is so normal for me. But who cares?

"Mum I'm home!" "Okay sweetie, diner is ready in 2 hours." i walk to my room, take my laptop and sit on my bed. First twitter. some retweets and a follower. Msn. Yay emmalie is online.

Emmalietjee<3 my friends: hey

Juliana~devisch: hey, come on Skype?

Emmalietjee<3 my friends: okay.

"Hay Emmalie how are you?" "I thought your mother ask you to speak flemisch with me?" "Okay but you know i can't speak much flemisch. So it will be a Juliana Flemish. With Dutch and English okay."

okay, zo en is er nog iets gebeurd sinds gisteren avond?" "ja, ik heb detention voor hele week." "wat heb je gedaan?" "ik gekleurde sokken aangedaan. Maar wij have to wear witte sokken. Dus ik week detention hebben" " oh, wij hebben geen uniformen. Crap mijn moeder roept voor het eten." Ohjaa there is a time difference. "Okay, seeyah on twitter?" "Yeah bye"

My homework is done so i sit on the couch watching tv . My mum is in the kitchen. I'm bored so i stand up and walk all the way to the kitchen so i can see what for diner tonight. Oh the smells good.

"Mummmmm, what is it for dinner tonight?" "Spaghetti" "oh that's my favourite food!" "I know. You are lucky I'm Flemish. They don't eat spaghetti in the uk." "No?" "I only eat it once in Ireland" "why Ireland ?" "euhhh ... just a friend of me who lived there" "oh just a Friend" "are you done with your schoolwork" somebody know how to change the subject!

"yes" "how long did you study?" "30 minutes" "you know i want you to study at least an hour" "Bye"

After the delicious spaghetti of my mum. I walk upstairs to my room.

after 10 minutes laying on my bed doing nothing i stand up and grab my coat. i need some fresh air!

"Mum I go to the park" "be back before the sunset okay " " okay mum, seeyah"

Oke that was a wrong descion, it's so boring here! I search for an empty seat. Oh no the only empty seat is at the other side of the park. But there is a bench with a really cute guy. I think i will go for that one!

The guy is thinking deep thinking because he doesn't see me.i clear my throat

"hey, how're you?" i tried after 20 seconds he finally answers.

"Oh hi, and not well" i get a glimpse of his grey sad eyes

"oh what happed, can I help you?" "Do you have tape?" okay weirdo much?

"No, why do you need tape?" "To fix my broken heart."

That's why the boy was that sad. Oh now I have to make him happy again. Maybe he will like this? "Oh, you only can fix a broken heart with love. I think you have no problems with that. Because you are a really nice guy, and a cute one." oh thanks....." "Devisch, Juliana devisch" I said it in a James bond tone and i think he like it because his lips twitched in a smile a really beautiful smile. His grey blue eyes smiled to more sky blue this time. his crooked theets who he isn't ashamed for it are beautiful to. I saw that he was staring too. We locked our blik but he turned his head.

"I'm Thomas. I don't say my last name because some people know who my dad is and they ask if i'm related and yeah i'm related to dad. And then they ask my singature because i'm his son. And I hate it!" haha that was a funny explantation "Okay nice you are related with your famous dad, I don't know who my dad is but i hope he isn't famous. And Thomas, you will find a girl who likes you. Because you are verry funny." And attractive!

Of course i didn't say that out loud. I'm not a flirty slut. I just wanted to be friends notting more.

"Oh thanks. Well i just met you and this is grazy but i'm hungry. pizza together maybe?" this guy! but i'm kinda hungry too so why not? " I'm hungry too.i know that little pizzeria a few street further" We walked a bit and when we arrived he was drooling. Weird kid

"What do you want?" "Okay first I don't like to share. Juliana doesn't share her food. And i want a medium Hawaii."

"You have luck because Thomas also doesn't share his food. Never!"

"And if there was a girlfriend?" "No!" "High five buddy!" and when his hand touched mine. I saw how there where exactly the same like mine. I don't think about it like a romantic couple like 'My hand perfectly fit in his' no more like 'wow they are indetical!'

maybe i'm that weird like him too? okay weirdddd!

After we eat the pizza the sun was going under. so i had to go home.

"Sorry mate but have to go home" "can I walk with you ?" "if you want to" "of course i want."

I was slightly happy because I liked the funny boy. The boy with the sky blue eyes. the boy who is as weird like me!

"Can I have your number?" he asked after we walked in a comfortable silence "oh yeah, give me your phone." "If you give your phone." he said a bit too flirty. He handed the last new iphone and I put my phone number in it. When I gave it back he was laughing so hard.

"Juliana don't share food, you're serious?" okay if he did that with me I would be laughing

" yeah, I'm happy now because now i can say i have to number of a handsome guy." He turned his head and I saw how he was blushing now . i'm too flirty! i only know the boy an hour!

"Oh thank you, well . tomorrow same place?"i looked at him. he had hope in his eyes. you can really easy read him "okay seeyah there. Have a nice night byeee" and with that i walk in my house.

Maybe going to the park wasn't that bad!

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