Dead sounds is the story I've worked on with my soul. I created this to let you guys feel my pain. Understand that this isn't a happy end story.

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

Reageer (25)

  • IsItHiOrHey

    It wasn't easy to read...
    I'm crying...
    Everything I want to do is cut myself but I can't...
    I just wanna jump tomorrow....
    But I won't do it...

    I feel worthless
    I feel sad
    I feel tired
    I want death

    What it is?
    - nothing special, just me and my depression...

    Luna, I love you, but at this moment I can't take everything... I just wanna die....


    1 decennium geleden
  • LoveStylesx

    wow.. ik ben er even stil van ook als ik de reacties lees..
    naar jou en alle anderen die dit lezen.. ik maak het niet mee en ik kan niet voelen hoe jullie je voelen..
    maar ik kan wel zeggen: Stay strong! (H)
    Dit verhaal raakt me echt en zet me aan het denken..
    ik weet eigenlijk voorderest niets meer te zeggen! :$

    ~kudoo! (H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Ratatouille

    This wasn't easy to read. Although, not for me.

    I live in depression and i know how harry feels.
    Feeling unloved, ugly, being bullied, i've had a lot of pain. Fysical pain, but also a lot, a lot of mental pain.

    I do not cut myself and i'm proud. But i.. -oh dear i'm crying. I.. Almost died.

    I think more than 50% of the people here but also in real life can't imagine how i feel.

    Or how life's without me.

    But i know. It would be better. Because i'm worthless.

    You can say i smile, but it hides my pain.
    You can say i laugh, but is is because i don't want people to become worried.
    You can say i have friends, but i don't.

    They use me. Only for things they need i'm useless. And i'm sick of it.

    I believe Quizlet is the only place, next to my home and parents; where i can let my feelings go.

    People told me to hide them. People told me i was showing off with my feelings. That i'm an attentionseeker.

    And that hurts.

    Please, please understand this wasn't easy.

    It wasn't.

    At all.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Show

    It wasn't that easy to read.. I'm sorry Luna. Kudo x

    1 decennium geleden
  • pizzayn

    It wasn't as easy as it looks like... Vooral omdat het heel erg confronterend was. Iets te eigenlijk. Maar wel goed. Half. I cut myself, like Harry, but not like him I hate the cuts, I think they're horrible. And I told my best friend, like Harry did. But not like Zayn she keeps controlling me... And now we're in a fight, because it feels like she doesn't trust me... And now I'm cutting even more. This shit doesn't help. Society sucks. Thanks for the confrontation. I think it kinda helps me... And lovely written.

    1 decennium geleden

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