
The Broken Wall

You hide behind those walls of innocence
Within it echoes the lies they hold
I closed my eyes to no avail

I'm losing even if I win
You can't fix your broken promise

Silence your slithering tongue
Keep your ludicrous lie's

I will not be used
I will not be battered
I will not be abused

My ties have come undone
Your lie's will not fool me again

You showed me a side I had never seen
You're not the girl that you used to be

You were my world
You always knew how to bring me down
I won't feed the enemy inside of you any longer

You can't offer your poison to me
In your kingdom of filth

You can not poison me any longer
My ties have become undone

I will not be used
I will not be battered
I will not be abused

You lost your face in the struggle
Your walls broke and let the truth free

My ties have become undone
Your lie's will not fool me again

Tot ziens idee dat ik zelf kon dichten. Moet het serieus zo goed zijn?
Ik kan er niks over zeggen behalve; je Engels doet me zwoegen. En dan dacht ik dat ik goed was in Engels. (vertel me eens; wat betekent Slithering? Dan ga ik dat toch mijn docent gebruiken in alles waar ik het kan gebruiken).
Past bij het thema. Op zich had het ook wel bij Duisternis gepast, ergens...
Cijfer: 10

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