Foto bij 3.

I nearly collided with nialls back as a entered the lounge. I peered over his shoulder, mess filled the room and the cushions and seat were thrown across the room. Liam was just sat on the floor absorbed totally into cod, guess they found nialls xbox. "Liam" "what the hell happened" I cut niall off. "Huh" he looked up at us. "Do you guys always do that. You know finished each others sentences, I've heard about twins doing that before but" "We can" "if you want us too" niall finished.

Just then Louis came bursting into the lounge from the kitchen "I told you not to mix the nibbles" he moaned at zayn. "Does it really matter" harry took a small bowl off Louis, goodness knows where he's been. "Yes it does" louis defiantly stated pushing his chest out "you never know, I could be allergic to ready salted hula hoops" he popped one in his mouth and pretended to choke, dramatically dropping to the floor. Harry shook his head at his friends foolish behaviour "hey look what I found" he whipped out Twister from behind his back. A mini argument erupted as to who would sit out and spin the board.

"You can only play when you've got this mess sorted out and I'll have the spinner thank you" I snatched it from Harry's hand. "Yeah" niall spoke from next to me crossing his arm trying to be all powerful and demanding but failing. I pushed the back of his head before walking into the kitchen to get a drink.

'Ill have a large Martini, shaken not stirred' I heard a terrible James Bond immpression from behind me. 'I'm afraid that is not legal Mr Styles...' I replied turning to face him. 'Suppose I'll have an orange juice then..' He sighed. Just chuckled and poured another glass full of juice. Just then Louis came running into the room, grabbed my arm and began to pull me to the living room. 'Come on! Its twister time!' As we entered the living room I was surprised to see that it was exactly the way it should be apart from the twister mat set out in the center of the room. 'I'll have the spinner' said liam sitting on the seat furthest away from the game. Smart boy.

Louis insisted on going first, then Zayn, then me, then Niall and finally Harry. The game continued in this order until Louis right arm, that was ment to be on red, gave way causing him collapse onto Nialls left leg, in turn making Niall hit Zayn in the eye with his finger, causing him to lose balance and fall onto Harry, who then swept my right leg from under me, resulting in me landing spralled out across Zayn and Harry. Cracking.

Liam burst into hysterics with tears streaming down his eyes. The other lads got up but I just stayed, lying ontop of the crumpled up plastic sheet. Niall held his hand out and I took it. He pulled me up with a little to much force causing to crash into his chest. I lifted my head. 'Niall, have you been working out?' I asked. He just shrugged and the rest of the lads began to laugh at Zayn and Louis doin the 'the beach is that way' thingy with their 'swans'.

'So what' 'to do next?' Niall finished. 'Arghhh! Will you guys stop that? Its weird!' Screamed Louis. 'We could but' 'we don't want to' I finished Niall this time. Louis just screamed frustratedly and threw himself onto the coach with his hands over his ears.

"Truth or dare" harry smiled sitting down next to louis, "come on girlies" zayn sat down on the floor "Why are you sat there" liam asked "Because its not truth or dare" "if your not sat in a circle" niall finished my sentence. "Seriously guys stop it!" Louis moaned as him and harry slid off the settee and into the circle that had formed.

'Me first! Me first!' Squealed Louis like the 3 year old he mentally is. 'Danni, truth or dare?' 'Truth' 'truthfully give each one of us nick names based on what you think of us' everyone turned, looking at me with anticipation. 'Liam is the buff, sensible one...' Liam grinned, visibly pleased with what I said. 'Zayn is the quiet, tall, dark and handsome one' Zayn smirked and relaxed. 'Louis is the funny, weird, yet suspiciously good looking one...' Louis began bouncing in his seat grinning like a cheshire cat 'and Harry is the fit, cheeky one!' I finished. 'What about me?' Niall moaned 'your the annoying brotherly one that is really funny and the one I love anyway!' 'N'aawwww! Danniiiii! I love you too!' He said diving across the circle and landing ontop of me encasing me in a massive bear hug. I began giggling. 'Someone save me!' I gasped between laughing fits.

'Suuperrmaaaaaaannn!' Screamed Louis diving onto Niall crushing me even more. He began thrashing about "attempting" to save me. Liam grabbed both of his arms and Harry grabbed both of his legs. Zayn helped Me and Niall off the floor. 'Thanks for that Niall...' I said glaring at him. 'Wait, what? How was that my fault?' 'You hugged me causing me to need help, in turn Louis came to rescue me and crushed me under you!' I said matter-of-factly.

'Anyway on with the truth or dare...' said Harry sitting in the circle. 'I think we should do ''i've never''...' suggested Liam. 'Liam, you sly alcoholic!' I teased standing to get the shot glasses and vodka. 'I've never kissed a boy' started Liam. Me, Louis and Harry took a shot. Everyone looked alarmed at Louis and Harry. Their bromance never ceases to amaze me. 'I've never wanted to kiss someone in this circle' said Niall. Zayn, Harry and Me all took shots. We all looked at each other puzzled. I was the only girl in the circle which made the situation lightly awkward. Louis began to make soe hand gestured and then said 'Awkward flag pole...' I just burst out laughing. After a few moments everyone else followed suit. Awkward moment over. I couldn't help but wonder though...

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