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Tell Me what You think?!

'Dannielle! Danni! D! Dannielle Jade Horan!' I opened my eyes to see my twin brother Niall stood on my bed peering over me.
'Eurgghh, what Niall?'
'You have to get up! The lads are coming today remember, they will be here in an hour'
'NOW Danni!' he shouted down my ear.
'Okay baby brother, don't fret, I will be down the stairs looking my best in 57 mins okay' I said ruffling his hair.
'Only 10 minutes younger' he grumbled walking out of my room sorting his hair. I chucled and sat up. Right here we go...

Considering we were twins me and Niall didn't look anything alike, it was weird. I had long brown hair and emerald eyes whilst he had dirty blond hair and blue eyes. One of the only things we had in common was that we were both pretty short. Niall stood at 5ft 4inches and I was at 5foot 3inches.

I hopped into the shower, dryed and curled my hair that fell half way down my back. And before you say anything it's all real. I then applied some concealer, and thin layer of foundation, a thin line of eyeliner, some mascara and clear lipgloss. I turned to my wardrobe and began to sift through the endless amounts of clothes. I picked out my high waisted shorts with black tights underneath, a baggy Mick Jagger tee tucked into my shorts, a red hollister jacket and my black wedged ankle boots. I gave my self a once over in the mirror and, pleased with how I looked, walked down the stairs.

'So how do I look?' I asked entering the living room and twirling round. I heard a few wolf whistles. 'Beautiful, the hollister jacket is a great touch' I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I turned to face the sofa and saw Niall and 5 other boys sat there smirking at me. 'Shit' I muttered. 'Language Timothy...' scolded Niall.
'Oh hush little brother' I retorted. A chorus of 'reallys' and 'you didn't tell us that' echoed around the room.
'So I guess my LITTLE brother here didn't tell you I was older than him. he doesn't tell may people that to be honest...' before I could finish properly a pair of hand grabbed me and pulled me down and began to tickle me.

'Help, please, can't breathe, make-up, kill, shit...' I stuttered out gasping for breath. Finally Niall let go and I stood up glaring at him, and then left the room. I went up to my room and grabbed my phone, just as I left my room I walked into someones chest. 'Sor-' we both began to say at the same time. I looked up and immediatley gasped. My eyes connected with the most beautiful emerald eyes. 'I was ermm, nominated for suitcase duty' he said breaking the silence and motioning toward a pile of bags on the landing. I stepped back smiling. 'I'm Harry by the way' he said. 'I'm Danni..' 'Yeah, I know, his older sister' he chuckled shaking his head, his curls bouncing around. 'Leave those there, I'll have Niall move them later, you coming back down stairs?' I asked. 'Yup!' he said popping the 'p'.

We entered the living room. Harry took a seat but I stayed standing.
'So it looks like I will be introducing myself, I'm Danni.' I said bluntly.
'Zayn' said a darker skinned lad who I have to say had amazing hair and was pretty fit. Not as fit a Harry though... Ok stop. I was getting off track.
'Liam' said a boy with a Justin Bieber hair cut, how I despised Justin Bieber...
'LOUISS!' screamed a boy who looked older than the rest.
'Harry' he smirked nodding his head in my direction, I smiled and looked around, there was no where for me to sit. Niall opened his arms realising my predicament inviting me to sit on his knee. I just scowled at him as I was still angry at him. So I walked over to Harry and sat on his knee leaning back against his chest. Niall looked at me shocked. So I decided to play on it.

I turned around so I was facing Harry. I gave him a look and he smirked.
'So then Harry.' I said stroking his hair 'you okay?'
'Much better now' he replied snaking his arms around my waist. I giggled and leaned into him. 'Phase 2?' he whispered into my ear. So I lifted my head and lowered my mouth slightly to the right of his mouth and made it look as if we were kissing. I pulled away and looked and the horror-stricken faces of the other lads, especially Niall. I looked at Harry and we began to laugh hysterically.

'God Niall, we wern't actually kissing, you are an utter fool..'
'Slag' he replied.
'Calling me a slag wont make you a real boy Pinochio' I replied. The lads all shouted burn. Niall looked like a kicked puppy.
'Just hug me you fool!' I shouted getting off Harrys knee and throwing my self at Niall. 'N'aaawwww, I love you Nialler..' I cooed
'Love you too Dan-Jadey!'..

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