Foto bij #2

Derek Morgan couldn't believe what he just heard and the faces of the rest of the team told him they thought the same. In the years they had worked together, the team had become a family for him.
"I'm sorry for you, Derek," Emily said, putting her hands on his shoulder.
"Is it okay if I go to the hospital?" he muttered looking for his keys. "I need to, see her."
"If you want, we can join you," Aaron Hotchner said, glancing at his team member – which he saw as kids – worried. The team had always been like his children and he protected them whatever was wrong. "If you don't want the whole team to come, I'll send somebody with you. I don't want you to end up in the hospital too."
"It'll be alright, Derek," Penelope Garcia said and looked at him, with the same worried expression on her face.
"I don't know babygirl. I don't know."
"I'm coming with you," Prentiss said, taking the keys from his hands. "I don't care what you think, but I'm coming." Derek just nodded, threw the car keys towards Emily. They left without saying another word.

The nurse wasn't really surprised when she saw the police officers walk in. There had just been a accident, a young woman, a bestseller author got hit by a car. They still weren't sure if she would make it, but the doctors didn't want to get their hopes up.
'I'm SSA Morgan, this is SSA Prentiss. We are here for Amelia Carter, the woman who has just been brought in," the good looking officer with the dark skin tone said, looking strangely worried for a cop. Normally cops didn't really care about people who got hit by a car and ended up here. Apparently, they wasted their time most of the time. Al though these two officers wouldn't go back to their offices and drink some beer, have a doughnut or something else. No, these officers looked good, skinny. At least the woman did, the men was muscular and looked like he just got back from an hour at the gym.
"I'm afraid I can't let you talk to her, she's undergoing surgery, but I can call you when she's out of surgery, so you guys can talk to her to file a report," the nurse said with a gentle smile on her face. "Do you want me to write down your phone numbers so you can do something a little less useless?"
Derek Morgan couldn't believe his ears, the calmness the nurse spoke with was almost upsetting, as if she didn't even care about his girlfriend's life.
"No, we'd rather stay, we aren't here for a case. SSA Morgan is the boyfriend of the girl, who is undergoing surgery," Emily said before Derek could do things he would regret later on.
'Oh," the nurse said, knowing that she couldn't just lie this time,"I'll send the doctor to you as soon as he's done. Could you please wait here?"
Derek nodded and went to the waiting area, where he sat down and closed his eyes so Emily wouldn't see the tears stinging in them. Emily went to grab some coffee for the both of them and sat down next to him. A tear rolled down his cheek. He did the best he could to hide it from Emily, but he couldn't.
"You know why I never have a relationship for over a few months?" he asked her with a sad smile on this face. She just shook her head, not knowing what to expect from him.
"It's because I am too scared to let someone in and then loose that person. Every time I really like a girl, something either happens to her, or I can never be with her, because I am away all the time. What about Hotch and Rossi? They are both divorced, Rossi has even been married for three times. Haley died because Hotch tried to make sure Foyet got what he deserved. I don't want to end up alone, Emily, but I don't want my girlfriend to end up death either. So, I protect them, but nobody seems to be able to stick with me. And now, now somebody does, she gets hit by a car. It just isn't fair Emily. It isn't."
"Look, Derek. You'll be able to find someone, I promise. Don't give up your hope, not yet. Amelia is in there fighting, fighting really, really hard for her life. She'll need you to be strong for her when she wakes up. You are her hero Derek and you'll always be. She knows how dangerous our job is, she's a profiler herself. If she didn't knew that her job was dangerous, she wouldn't be in BAU unit two. And, Derek, she wasn't hit doing her job. She got an accident in the most common way possible; taking her kid home from her mother. You can't blame her for doing so." Emily looked Derek right in the eyes as she spoke. "You won't be able to protect her 24/7."
"I know," he whispered and accepted the handkerchief Emily gave him.
"Come on big boy, dry your tears, she'll be alright."

The doctor came in after two, long hours. He told them that it had been a very difficult operation, but that she'd survived. She wasn't conscious yet, but she would be soon, very soon. She would remain weak for a while and wouldn't be able to work for a while, considering the fact that her wounds were quite bad, but that she would recover. Derek had never been so happy to hear those words. He remained next to her bed for hours. Emily chose to go back to Quantico to tell the team his girlfriend was alright and he would take week off so he could visit her, take care for her. The team wouldn't really mind the fact that he was absent for a while, not that they didn't like the fact that he was around, but he was just not really functional if he worried about his girlfriend.

She woke up after an hour. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes, was Derek and the bright smile on his face.
"Hi Derek," she whispered weakly. Derek took her hand in his and pressed a soft, slight kiss on her forehead.
"Hi Aurora," he said, refering to a tale he once heard about sleeping beauty. "How was your beauty sleep?"
"Painful," she said, smiling,"but it was worth it if now I get to see your face again."
"You scared the crap out of me you know. If I ever hear that you have been admitted to the hospital again, I'll have to chain you up so I can keep you save you know." It was clear that he was joking and Amelia saw that as a good sign. That way, she knew he wasn't too mad at her.
"Well, I don't really mind that," she said, joking. "But only if I get to see you too." Pain shot through her arm as she tried to move it, through her torso when she laughed. Derek forced her to keep silent, telling her that he would get a doctor to check up on her.
"Derek?" she asked as he walked out of the door. He turned his head curiously.
"I love you."

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