I'm going to school today, i'm studying English litature. It's amazing how people used to live or even talk back then. I want to become a teacher, so i'm also getting extra courses to get as many grade's as possible. I'm even taking latin, it's an amazing study. Anyways i'm in the car and i'm bringing my brother to the meeting point where some of the actors come outside of acting to relax. As i drop him of i ride towards the school. I'm a 26 year old student, in a grade where 18 to 24 year old people going to school. I missed out on university classes back home in Ireland, because my mother and father died, and we had to have 2 jobs to run the household. My brother has a 4 year old daughter, her name is Allysa, and her mother my brothers wife died in the car along with my parents.

I enter the school and an amazing feeling came rushing upon me, it was a rush of fear and luck. As i stand at the office of the princepal, i knock on the door, and a assistent opens up. "Come in dear, she will be right with you." I sit down on the coach, and await my meeting with Mrs. Laughlan. As the door opened up she invites me in and i see that she has my records of my old school laying on her desk. "Welcome to UCLA. I am Mrs. Laughlan, and i want to talk about your courses here on the school. You seem to have an impressive record of classes you intended during when you were on school. you never got a grade below 8,3 that is not seen in years, yes within scienetist but never in the teaching capebillity. Are you sure you want a teaching job? After you finish here?" I was thinking about it, and it has been my dream, and since i have a great dream, i want to explore it. "Well, it always has been a dream of mine, but why are you asking?" "Well, if you are willing to concider something else, then let me know, cause i could recomend you as a proffesor on a university near LA it's far away, but Harverd could use someone like you in the future, and it so happends that i've contacted their office and they are excited to have you as a intern Proffesor. But think about it, you've got 3 weeks. First lets see you idea of a class sceduel." As i give her my classes for these future 3 years, she looks at me and looks happy. "Well you've sure noticed your capabillitys alot, Latin, old english liturature, and most of all you've chosen a course that surprises me. When did you decided to add archaeology to your classes?" "Well ever since i saw the series about Stargate and the old egyptians i knew that that was my hobby, so i started a hobby about it. I'm quite good at it, i've been searching for clues about the free masons and their society. It's going rather well." She smiles, and knew i was on the right path. "So you can choose between Harverd and an archaeology school. I'll be hearing about your decision on friday in 3 weeks. See you then and enjoy your classes and most of all enjoy the school." I stood up shook her hand,and walked out of her office, and when the door was shut i got a great smile. I went to my first classes and then there was lunch break. There is sat alone at a table and looked around, some were laughing some were doing their homework and some walked over to my table. "Hi i'm Candice, this is Roger and Lea, can we sit down with you?" "Sure ya can, i'm sorry i come from ireland, i've got a wee bit diffeculty with the american way of talking. Sorry."

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