Foto bij Quotes 2

1.Distance doens't ruin relationships. Doubts do.

2.Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks,not in what they say. Just in what they are.

3.Life isn't about finding yourself. it's about creating yourself.

4.If you wanna fly, you've to given up the shit that weights you down.

5.So keep your head high,
keep your chin up,and,
most importantly,keep smiling, because life's a
beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.

6.Don't talk, just act.
Don't say, just show.
Don't promise, just prove.

7. Today,
Forget your past,
forgive yourself,
and start again

8.Just believe in your dreams.

9.I'm not saying, I'm perfect;
In fact I know I'm far from it;
I'm just saying "I'm worth it"

10.Live like spongebob.
Laugh out loud without reason.
And annoy mean people with your happiness

11.Sometimes you've to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

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