Tell Me A Lie - chapter 5
POV Vicky
“I think she’s sleeping” Zei Naill zachtjes. “Maybe that’s a good thing. She felt hard on her head.” Zei Harry bezorgd kijkend naar Emma. “Yeah maybe.” Zei ik terwijl ik de tranen van mijn gezicht veegde. Liam hield me stevig vast en dat gaf me een heel fijn en veilig gevoel. Harry ging ook gaan zitten. “I can’t see a thing !” Zei hij een beetje kwaad. “This is the worst thing ever happened to me.” Begon Naill. “Maybe they can hear us and trying to get us out.” Ging Harry dan weer verder. “ But if they can hear us they probably would say something back and should we hear that too.” Zei Liam. “I’m trying to say something good and you ruin it. I want to give the situation some hope.”
“Yeah okay, maybe you’re right.”
“We just have to wait I guess.” Ging Naill verder.
“I may not know you guys but I’m so happy that I’m not alone in here. I probably would freak the hell out.”
“Well I’d rather not be stuck in here.” Zei Naill
“Zayn and Louis must know that we’re in the elevator.” Begon Liam. “Yeah ‘cause they were actually behind us when we ran into the elevator.” Maakte Harry de zin af .
“They must know that there is something wrong ‘cause we’re not in the room.”
“So maybe they covered out that we’re stuck in the elevator or something.”
“They have to know that there’s something wrong. That’s a fact.” Begon Naill hoopvol mee te praten.
“They have to warn at least the reception.” Ging Harry mee met Naill. Ik legde mijn hoofd op Liam zijn schouder en begon zachtjes te snikken. “Don’t cry, sweetie. I know that there’s help coming.” Begon Liam troostend. “Really ? I mean I really wanna get out of here. I don’t wanna die inhere.” Liam legde zijn hand op mijn hoofd en ging dan door mijn haren. Dat was zo’n fijn gevoel. Ik kende hem niet maar toch gaf hij me een heel goed en veilig gevoel.
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