And the tears come streaming down your face,
when you lose someone you can't replace.

      The sun. I looked up at the sky. Nothing. Just a blue sky. Not even a single cloud. There was no wind and no rain, as you see in movies. No people in warm, black clothes. No umbrella's, not even the sound of footsteps which make a damp noise while walking.
      I stared at the people in front of me. The sun burnt on my cheeks, but I didn't care. People I didn't even know were standing there. They came to tell me they were sorry for my loss. It wasn't really my loss anyway, so I didn't get it. I remembered how Harry once told me he'd want me to come with him. Just us two, going away. He said he didn't want to stay here. He wanted to leave and never come back. Well, his wish came true. He's gone now and he'll never come back.
      'Louis!' I looked up to find my mum calling me. I nodded and walked over to her, slowly, not ready to say goodbye. I didn't want to see him disappear into the ground.
      'Say goodbye honey,' she whispered in my ear and I just nodded. I wasn't going to say my goodbye’s out loud, no way. I didn't even say them in my mind. I just kept on staring, watching him disappear. Or at least, watch his body disappear. It's not that I could see his body, but you know what I mean.
      I felt my mum's hand on my shoulder and looked up. Pain and desperation was what I could see in her eyes.
      'Go home mum,' I whispered. It was the first time I said more than one word, in two weeks. My mum smiled a little and nodded.
      'Be safe.'
      I watched her walk away and looked around. People were starting to leave. Even his own parents were gone already. I sighed and sat down in the grass.
      'You know how you promised me we'd go away together? Yeah, thought so. You don't remember.' I tried to swallow my tears away, but it was too late. They came rolling down my cheeks, down my neck and they formed wet stains on my shirt. It started to get cold a little and goosebumps spread over my body.
      'How could you just leave me like this?' I cried into nothing. I knew he couldn't hear me.
      'You promised me to fight Harry! You promised!' I screamed and cursed and I felt the wind starting to blow.
      'I hate you,' I whispered when I caught my breath. I stood up and turned around. I lost my breath when I looked in to a pair of deep blue eyes. I closed them for a second and when I opened them I felt two strong arms around me, which made me cry even harder.
      'He just left me!' I cried and the boy who held me tried to calm me.
      'Lou, he tried.'
      'But Niall! He left me! He just left me, on my own! I can't live without him!' My cries had become hysterics and my heart felt like someone had cut it out.
      'I love him so much,' I breathed and tried to control my breath.
      'I know Lou, we all do. Look at me, Louis, look at me!' Niall grabbed my shoulders and shook me. I looked at him, my breathing heavy.
      'You're going to get through this. Without him. I'll help you, Zayn and Liam will too. Now, look at me. Keep looking at me. He loved you very much. He wouldn't want you to give up OK? Stay strong, for him. Promise me?'
      'I promise.' Suddenly small drops of rain started to fall down. I looked up to find out the sun had disappeared and Niall took my hand. He started pulling me away from Harry. I knew Niall was right. Harry wouldn't want me to give up. So, I wasn't going to. I was going to get better. I had to, for Harry.

Sorry dat het even duurde, maargoed, hier is ie.
het kan zijn dat jullie hem al eerder hebben gelezen ergens, dat klopt, ik had hem al een keer online staan...
anyways, let me know what you think (:

Reageer (2)

  • Nyara

    Echt heel mooi geschreven, ik moet zelfs huilen.

    1 decennium geleden
  • lalalia

    ahh zielig!!! wel heel mooi geschreven! x

    1 decennium geleden

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