Sorry voor het engels.

We kill for lies.
      He told me to be careful. I was. I really was careful. It just got out of hand. Panting, running out of breath, I fell to the ground. The ground was hard, cold. I couldn't help but shiver, feeling my lungs burn with lack of oxygen.
Murder our love, to save our pride.
      I curled up beside a tree, hoping nobody would find me. I cried, sobbed, hoped for him to come and find me. I knew he wouldn't come. I killed him.
      My heart was hurting, my whole body was hurting. Everything started to spin around me, as if I was losing all grip on reality.
Love poisons truth, love suicides.
      His voice was clear, hard in my head. He promised to never hurt me. Never would he leave me. 'I love you,' he said, caressing my cheeks. His brown eyes filled with love, nothing less than that. Nothing more either. I should've seen it than. I should've known he was just playing a game with me. He never loved me.
That I'm left broken inside.
      My soft cries turned into screams of pain and it hurt. The pain I felt of him not being here was devastating. I remembered the first time I saw him. He was dancing with a girl, Danielle. She was beautiful and then he looked at me. His eyes met mine and he let go of her. He walked over to me and we just looked at each other.
      The memory was painful.
      'I'm sorry, but, are you al right?' I looked up to find out a pair of brown eyes stared into mine.
      'Liam?' I asked, confused, convinced it was him. The boy in front of me frowned, shook his head.
      'No, I'm Zayn, what's your name?' His voice was soft, almost as if he'd been high his whole life.
      'Louis,' I whispered and let out a loud sob. The boy, Zayn, knelt down next to me and took my hand. His dumb caressed my hand softly and slowly I calmed down a bit.
      'Louis, why are you crying? Did something happen? Are you hurt?'
      I looked up at him. His brown eyes were like Liam's and it hurt seeing them. I closed my eyes, trying not to cry again. I shook my head, trying to forget Liam. Trying to forget his screams of help, of pain, while the knife my hand cut his throat, like it was nothing. It felt like cutting a piece of meat than, now it just feels like nothing. My heart felt nothing.
      'No, not any more. Now I don't feel anything.' My voice was deep, hoarse and Zayn just looked at me, blankly, as if I told him something that didn't matter.
      'You feel nothing?' he asked, not even hesitating. I shook my head. I stood up and looked around. I heard sirens coming closer. My eyes dark, I looked at Zayn.
      'Never tell anyone you saw me. I'll just get you into trouble. Believe me.' Zayn jumped up and he grabbed my hand. The look in his eyes told me he didn't know what was going on.
      'I should just forget you?' he asked, his voice soft, kind of disappointed. I nodded.
      'Forget you ever saw me. I killed my boyfriend just a few hours ago. I'm sorry.'
      His eyes grew wide. Fear could be seen from miles away. He let go of my hand but didn't run away from me. My eyes narrowed in response. I would've thought he'd run away.
      'Why?' The question was random, as if he just wanted something to talk about. I let out a sigh. Then I laughed, fruitless.
      'He broke my heart.'
      At that point sirens were close. Too close, but I didn't care, because Zayn was close too. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my cheeks. I didn't realize how close he'd come. His hand got hold of mine. His fingers slid between mine. He looked up at the sky, as if answers would we found there.
      'I'll heal your heart, if you'll let me,' he whispered and pressed is forehead against mine. I felt his warm breath against my lips.
      'I won't let you, but you can try.'
I don't understand the games I play.

Reageer (2)

  • 5Boys1Dream

    :o ik hou van je schrijfstijl :) xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • DoraWalrus


    1 decennium geleden

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