Guardian Angel.
Her long blonde locks laid over the top of her shoulders and hang besides her skinny looking face, not being pushed in a style but just released.
Worries laid in her eyes as she thought of her future, her life goals and her friends - who would soon all vanish without her getting a change to fight a fair fight.
All she could do was lie down in her hospital bed, accepting her faith willingly or being taken with force - in either ways, she was left without a choice.
Her fragile and hurtful hands rushes over the cotton sheets nervously as she looked outside of the window of her personal hospital room, the room she had been in for the most time of her life.
When she was only eight years old she was diagnosed with a rare version cancer, a kind doctors had not researched or even seen before.
She spent at least two days every week in a hospital bed, resting after doctors and nurses took several tests on her body as the tumor slowly started to spread.
Her friends had no idea of the critical situation she was in before she told them on a dark September night, but she refused to go further in detail after announcing that her disease was deathly and it was a form of cancer.
Telling her close friend group about her situation was one of the hardest things she ever had to do, she was already letting tears roll over her cheeks before they even knew what was going on.
One of her closest friend spent her time with keeping her busy, keeping her mind distracted from the fact that she was dying by taking her out a lot and coming with her to every doctors appointment.
She wasn't afraid to show her friend how special she was, even if she was suffering from cancer, a disease that had already destroyed the life of one of her relatives.
As she laid on her bed, she felt her heart throb as she thought of the things she had to leave behind, she didn't feel like this two years ago when the doctors announced good news to her.
She was cured and was soon free to go where-ever she wanted to, without taking medicines or having the weekly check ups to see if her tumor had gotten bigger or had spread out to her organs.
The moment she heard the good news, she jumped into the air and immediately called her best friend who screamed from excitement into the telephone before promising her that they would do all kinds of fun things.
But two months ago she started to lose a lot of hair - all at once - sometimes they were just simple strands of hair and the next they were thick locks, thick long and blonde locks.
With the money she had saved up for college she had purchased a wig, which she wore as her mother and her friend went back to the hospital, sitting in the same familiar room as they awaitened the results.
Two years ago there had been a mistake which a nurse in training had made, she had not checked every part of the girl her body and overlooked the copied tumor that had spread itself while the original one had disappeared slowly by the use of all the medication.
The tumor spreadings had gotten two full years to grow inside of the beautiful fifteen year old girl, making the disease incurable.
When that information came to her mother her ears, she instantly got angry - and it was totally understandable - she was now losing her angel to God because of a mistake one of the interns had made.
But all that the girl who had just been diagnosed with a deathly disease - again - could think about was once again forgetting all about her future, friends and career.
Her best friend wrapped her arms around her as she tried to calm her down by using her words which had always helped so far, but there was no denying it.
She was going to die within three days - according to the doctor - whether she liked it or not, she could try to fight it for as long as she wanted but her body wasn't going to let her.
As she watched the night sky from her window - still saying her mental goodbyes to everyone and every goal - she slowly began to feel intensely tired, feeling her eyes close before she heard the heart monitor pronounce one long beep.
It was time, she had passed onto a better place - full of forgiveness - and had taken up her job to make her nickname reality.
She was ready to become an angel, watching over her best friend in times of need or just whenever she needed her.
And all she had to do was just listen for the song they always sang together, and then she would know that she was still watching over her.
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