Mijn benen. Mijn handen. Mijn vingers. Mijn ellebogen. Mijn haren. Mijn teennagels. Alles. Maar dan ook alles. Trilde.

Ik ging zitten op die mooie sofa. Mike en Billie gingen naast mij zitten en Tré zat naast Mike. 'So. You're a Green Day fan?' vroeg Billie. Ik keek hem aan. Wow, dacht ik. Die mooie groene ogen.. Adrienne Armstrong is echt wel een geluksvogel dat zij elke dag in die mooie ogen kan kijken.. 'Well, I'm not 'just' a fan.. There's a whole story behind it...' zei ik bescheiden. Ik was echt bang dat ze zouden denken dat ik gewoon maar een of andere random fan was. Maar dat was ik echt niet. 'Well,' zei Tré. 'Tell us why you're not 'just' a fan.' Ik voelde me gelukkig, alleen heel erg bekeken. Ik bedoel, we waren maar met zijn vieren in één kamer, maar toch. Mijn grootste idolen zaten naast mij en ze keken me aan. 'Where should I begin?' vroeg ik in mezelf. 'I think by the begin.' zei Mike en we lachten. 'Okay. I'll try.' zei ik. 'When I was.. I think 10 years old, I got bullied by some older kids. They said I was fat and ugly. That was a long period, and it was really hard for me, especially because my parents divorced. Well that was so going 'till I became 13. I searched for some CD's from my parents and I've found 21st Century Breakdown. I listened this CD and I thought: This is really awesome music. So I looked for other songs on YouTube and stuff. I found 'Jesus Of Suburbia'. I listened that song a few times and I looked for the lyrics. When I read the lyrics, I recognised myself in Saint Jimmy. Nobody was understanding me. I had nobody. And then the sentence 'Nobody's perfect and I stand accuse'. That sentence really changed me to who I am now. And I'm proud of that, by the way. I thought: It's done. I don't care anymore what others think of me. And that's good. So since then I became a hardcore Green Day fan. And I'm proud of it.' Billie keek me aan met grote ogen. Mike en Tré ook. 'Okay. Well, that's obvious you're not just a fan. You're a fan with a meaning.' zei Mike. 'I'm gonna tell you something.'

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