Foto bij Bday story

My lovely sweet sissy,
this is for your birthday. I hope you like it and don't mind any spelling/grammar mistakes u///u I love you!<333

It is very early in the morning when a young man runs through the park, He stops for a moment to catch his breath. Somewhere behind the trees the sun starts to raise. He narrows his eyes against the bright light and wants to continue running when he bumbs against someone. Due his quick reaction he can grab the persons wrist and wraps his other arm around the waist. The, it is apparently a young lady, looks at him, vert surprised and a little shocked. She strokes one of her long brown hairlocks out her face and blinks a few times with her purple eyes. He looks at her, equally surprised and then smiles gently while he helps her back on her feet. "Karibe, what are you doing here?" "Could I ask you the same." She smiles gratefully at him. Kazemaru spread his arms a bit and grins. "Can’t you guess?" Karibe looks at him from head to toe and grins back at him. "I have no single clue, wait, were you about to swim?" He chuckles and gestures the bench at the edge of the small road. ‘Shall we?’ She nods briefly, and he follows her to the bench. "It's obvious what I am doing here, but what brings you here?" She smiles weakly and suddenly she looks very tired. "It's about Taiyou," she pauses for a moment. 'It’s not going well with him, I stayed at the hospital all night, I wanted to go home but that would be of no use. I don’t think I could sleep now anyway, so I decided to take a walk, hoping to clear up my mind a little. " Kazemaru puts his arm around her. ‘You know what I do to clear up my mind? " Karibe looks up at him. 'Well?' "I take a run." "And that helps?" Kazemaru nods. "Yes, the early morning air, it's quiet, the wind through my hair-" He stops talking when Karibe bursts into laughter. 'You don’t believe me?’ He says as he arches up his eyebrow. "No, no of course I do," she says quickly. "I just don’tt think it would help to solve my problems." 'You didn’t even tried yet.’ He grinned. "Who says I want to?" Kazemaru looks at her. "I bet you can’t even keep up with me." "Oh?" Karibe grins. "I'm interested, go on, what are we betting for?" 'If I win, I'll take you out for dinner. " Karibe nods slowly. "Hmm, and what if I win, what will definitely be the case." 'Then I'll go with you to whatever your way is to take away your sorrow. " Karibe nods again and jumps up. "Sounds fair. ' Kazemaru gets up as wel. 'Until there, ‘ he nods in the direction of a fallen tree. "We'll start on three." Karibe gets ready and Kazemaru follows her example. "Ichi .... Ni .... San! " They start running at the same time and to his amazement, Karibe is fast. "Oh, I forgot to mention I played soccer as well?" She grins. 'You could have been an athlete, it doesn’t matter because I am going to win anyway!’ He says as he runs past her. "Hmm I like guys that are a little confident, but for now I hope you enjoy the sight of my back!" And without much effort Karibe passes him again. Kazemaru grins broadly. 'It's not only your back that I'm enjoying now, sweetheart. " Karibe laughs and glances over her shoulder. "Pervert!" Not much later Karibe reaches the tree as first. "Yes, I won! Take that Kaze! " She yells cheerfully. He stands beside her, slightly panting. "I must admit, you are fast, ... for a girl. " 'If you would have paid more atention to the road instead of my ass you could have stand a little chance against me. " 'But I enjoyed looking at your ass. Kazemaru pouts jokingly. "Pervert." She grins and gives him a gentle punch in his stomach before she lets herself fall down on the grass. Kazemaru lays down besides her. "Woah, I never saw someone that happy because she doesn’t have to go on a date with me." 'Oh ...' Karibes expression changes for a second. "I forgot about that." They remain silent. "Well, since I won, I can decide what we are going to do." "And that would be?" Karibe stands up and dusts her clothes off. "You are taking me out for dinner. I demand a lovely restaurant and a suit for you. Pick me up around seven. And of course, you pay. " She smiles and turns around. "So, it's a date?" Kazemaru asks while grinning at her back. 'It's a date. "She says and then she walks away. Kazemaru could not tell whether she was smiling or not but he smiled cheerfully while he let himself fall down on the grass again. 'It's a date.’ He muttered softly. It is exactly seven when Kazemaru stands for her door. Nervously he presses on the bell. He doesn’t t have long to wait before the door opens. He stares at her, speechless. She’s wearing a little black dress and she has tied up her hair. Two long brown hairlocks are down on each side of her face. Karibe notices his gaze and giggles. "Well, what do you tnink?" He recovers himself quickly, and reaches out his arm to her 'You look beautiful. " Although she expected the compliment she blushes slightly before taking his arm. Kazemaru smiles as he notices that even though she wears heels she is still shorter. They talk about mundane things like soccer and coaching as Kazemaru suddenly stops before a small but cute restaurant. ‘This is it,’ he smiles a bit shyly. ‘I hope you like it.’ ‘It’s perfect.’ While they are enjoying a glass of wine they wait for their food. ‘You surprised me, Kazemaru, I didn’t thought you were such a gentleman.’ She says while she sips of her wine. ‘There is a lot you don’t know about me, dear.’ He winked as return. ‘I would love to find that out then.’ Karibe grins and before Kazemaru can say something the waiter arrives with their dinner. Kazemaru reaches out for some sault but Karibe did exactly the same. Their hands touch and they look at each other. Karibe is the first one who glanced away and blushes. They say nothing for a while when suddenly Karibe looks at him and smiles. ‘You got a bit of sauce in the corner of your mouth.’ She says. Kazemaru wipes with his sleeve over his mouth. Karibe leans forward a bit over the table and brushes with her finger over his lips. Kazemaru just stares at her. Karibe sits back again and acts like nothing happened. Kazemaru shakes his head. ‘There was no sauce, was there? It was just a cheep tric.’ ‘Perhaps—wait, did you just called me /cheep/?’ Kazemaru smirks wider. ‘Perhaps.’ Karibe gives him a kick under the table but Kazemaru keeps on smirking. ‘Something wrong, dear?’ ‘Not at all.’ She mumbles with a slight blush. ‘It’s nothing personal, just taking revenge for earlier this morning.’ ‘Taking revenge on a lady?’ Karibe raises her brow a little but smiles. ‘How rude, Kazemaru.’ ‘This isn’t rude at all, Karibe-chan.’ He replies. ‘Do you want /me/ to be rude, Kaze?’ ‘Rather keep that talk for the bedroom, sweetie.’ He winks playfully and Karibe kicks him again. ‘Pervert’ ‘Maybe it will be bette rif I’m going to pay now , before I end up bruised before the and of the Night.’ Karibe laughs and they both get up. It is dark and much colder when they finally are standing outside again. Karibe shivers a bit and immediately Kazemaru takes off his jacket and puts it over her shoulders. Karibe smiles and leans her head against his shoulder while he wraps one arm around her waist. Quietly the walk through the dark streets. They stop in front of her house. ‘Thank you for bringing me home.’ Kazemaru shakes his head a little. ‘It was nothing, really.’ He says while leaning forward a bit. But Karibe glances away a little. ‘I had a lovely night.’ Kazemaru tries to hide the surprised look in his eyes and forces a smile. ‘Me too, you are very nice company. ‘ ‘You as well.’ They are quiet again. Then suddenly Karibe giggles and Kazemaru raises his brow in respond. ‘What?’ ‘We look like two awkward teenagers.’ Kazemaru chuckles now as well. ‘Indeed we do.’ ‘And we aren’t even teenagers anymore, we are two adults who had a lovely night together and – Kazemaru pulls her closer and presses his lips against hers. ‘You are talking too much.’ He whispers. ‘A-ah… did I?’ She blushes and glances down a little. ‘Yes, and that is one of the many things I love about you Karibe-chan.’ He lays his hand on her cheek and kisses her again. ‘I love you too, Kazemaru.’

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