Playing hide and see
I was playing around with the leaves when he was coming my way. He said: “Hello, I’m Daniel. Who are you ?” “I’m Levelynn. But everybody calls me Lev.” “Okay then, hello Lev” he said and he smiled. “So, do you wanna play a game”, he asked ? “Yes, of course.
Which one do you wanna play ?” “Euhm, what do you think about hide and see ?” “Ya, that’s fine” I said. So hide and see it was. We decided that he must count, so I could go and hide.
He started counting :“One. Two. Tree...” I ran away as fast as I could. I knew immediately where I was going to hide. In my tree, Carne. She wouldn’t tell anyone that I sitting on her branches. “Six. Seven...” Oh no, seven already, I have to hurry.
I climbed up in the tree higher and higher until I couldn’t see the ground anymore. I loved it to sit on the branches of Carne. I loved it even more when the wind was whistling softly and I could hear the leaves crunch. “Nine. Ten ! Here I come !” I laughed quiet, because I knew he wasn’t gonna find me. “Found ya !” he yelled. Heu, what’s going on. That isn’t right. He shouldn’t find me up here. Nobody ever could find me up here, but now he did and I was very upset because of that – I was seven, what else did you expect ?- . “How did you get up there?”
I answered: “ I climbed ! Duhh !”. He laughed. I loved the noise he made when he laughed. He had such a beautiful smile. “Of course. That wasn’t smart of me, was it ?”
“No, no it wasn’t !” He laughed again. “Do you know what ? What about you coming down, so we can talk a little bit ?” Okay, now he sounds like a grown-up. ‘Cause every time I climbed up in Carne, my responsible also made me come down. But I was very determinate that I wasn’t coming down this time. “If you wanna talk so bad, why don’t you come and get me ?” Ha ha, now I had him. He couldn’t do anything more !
“So, that’s quite a view you have here.”
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