love isn't always what you think,
sometimes it is funn,
but there are times you think: what do i need to do with this ?
and the answer is what you know,
but sometimes you better won't make that choice so you won't get in trouble with you mum.
if you love 2 persons at the same time, you better make the right choice, cause loving 2 persons isn't that great, believe me.
i'm standing here with my questions about the right choice,
but no one can tell me the right choice to make.
the answer is in myself,
but when i'm making my choice, i better can run out of my house with all my stuff before my mum gets that angry that she will place me to my father,
and i don't wanna go there.
i wanna live my own life with my owm friends and my own boyfriend.
my mum always was happy with me and my friends,
but now she knows more she is gonna tell me what kinda friends are good to me and what not.
then i think,
if you need to choose my friends, have funn with it, but the friends you'll find for me aren't the friends i like, i'm a different kinda person than she thinks i am.. but she won't see the truth or the real me.
she still thinks i am a little child but i am not a little child as she thinks i am, i'm a little like a grown up..
or that's my feeling.. but still, my mum can't tell me what are my friend and what not...
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