Once upon a time...
Once upon a time, there was a girl that met a boy on the internet. That boy said cute things to her and a little week later the girl asked the boy to be her boyfriend. The boy said yes, but he wasn't in love.. The girl was desperatly "in love" but the boy was flirting with a lot of girls back in Middelburg.
The girl wrote the boy his name everywhere on her books en told everyone that she loved him, but to be honest: she didnt loved him at all, she just said that to be cool and she was proud to say that pretty boy was her boyfriend.
A view weeks later the girl was sad because her "boyfriend" didnt talked to her yet in 6 f*cking weeks.
The girl was still "in love" with the boy but he wasnt "in love"
I'm sorry M&N
I didnt knew how to bring it...
Reageer (3)
Once upon a time there was a dumb boy, that was stupid enough to dump this awesome girl. the end.
1 decennium geledenwhy won't HE tell me?
1 decennium geledenwhat? you can't be serious... why?
1 decennium geledeni DO love him!! whith whole my heart!!
why do you say that?