“But mom why do I need to buy a bikini I can’t even swim!” she said.
      “Honey you would like to get a tan at the beach don’t you? You can’t get it with your clothes on.” Angie said. Angie was Hailey’s mom, even if she didn’t look like her at all. She looked more like her dad, sadly he isn’t here any more. He was in a car accident when she was only 1, so she did really remember him only the way he looked thought the pictures.
      “Okay mom I will buy a bikini once I get there.” She said defeated.

The next day her mom took her to the airport and handed her a package.
      “Open it when you get on the plane. have a good trip sweetheart bye!”. Hailey wanted to say something, but when she looked around she didn’t see her mom anymore. When she walked to the gate to get on the plane she saw a guy checking her out. She didn’t pay attention to it because they where calling the passengers to get on the plane. running to the gate wasn’t the best idea. She tripped and fell on the ground. The boy who was checking her out earlier was helping her up.
      “Thanks” she said to him and looked him in the eyes. She noticed his black hair and his almost black eyes with a slight glow of brown in it.
      “Hello, are you there?” he asked waving his hand before her eyes. She snapped out of the gaze and let the breath out she was holding on without noticing that she was gazing at him or holding her breath.

Row 6 seat 1. “Nice”, she thought ,”next to a window, I should take pictures for my mom.” She looked around when the plane was save in the air. Although she couldn’t see the guy from earlier, but he must be on the plane because she saw him getting on. Then suddenly the package from her mom came in her mind. She smiled when she open it. There was a ice white bikini in it with a bleu envelope. On the envelop stood: you can read it if you are with your aunt. Sighing at it and put it away.

At the time that she was by her aunt house in the hot beach place with a name it was to hard to remember. After she was settled there was only one time on my mind: get to the beach and read the letter. Her aunt said she could walk to the beach in 2 minutes. Putting her new gorgeous bikini on and taking the stuff she needed she headed of to the beach.

Aunt was not lying after 2 minutes she stood on the gold yellow sand at the edge of the warm bleu sea. She spread her towel and got down on it. Ripping the envelop open what wasn’t difficult. There felt something shine out of it. When she picked it up the saw that is was a bracelet with a small platinum wing hanging on it. She heard something a voice calling her. She didn’t bother to look around to saw who it was. Who would know her if she was only for an hour in the city. But when she heard her name being called a couple of times really close to her ear. She turned around and saw the same guy with his dark chocolate eyes hovering over her. Her eyes went big when he said: “Wings of an angel on your back. A servant to stay secret, but reality kicks in when it’s true.”
      “What are you saying and why are you on my?” she asked pushing him away. Her hand against his rock hard chest, he did give a gimp. He took her wrists and gave a kiss on both on them. The next thing she know was waking up under a sky with strange colour.
      “W- whe- where am I?” was they question she wanted to ask. Then she saw she wasn’t in het own body in the white bikini on the beach. But in a cube of glass lying on a pillow, while she saw an diamond scatter.
      “But diamonds can’t break………….

Reageer (2)

  • litlevampp

    haha ik moeet nog verder schrijven en nee er zitten een aantal foutjes in maar het was een opdracht voor school vandaar

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lexicologie

    leuk begin, ik ben nieuwsgierig nu :p
    NO offence, maar ik vermoed da engels nie direct u beste vak is? (zip)

    1 decennium geleden

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