Titel: Cheeseburgers at Nando's.

"Table for three", zei Niall dolblij.
"Wow, you must be really excited! Hi, my name's Roos."
"Hi, I'm-"
"-You don't have to tell me, I already know", knipoogde Roos.

"What are you going to order?", vroeg ik aan Harry.
"Same as you", was zijn definitieve antwoord.
Of hij zag haar echt zitten, of hij wou gewoon niet veel moeite doen om de kaart te lezen.
"So what is it going to be?", vroeg de serveerster.
"4 cheeseburgers, and some coke. What do you guys want to drink?", vroeg Niall.
"Apple juice", zei ik, omdat ik wist dat het Harry's lievelingsdrankje was, "but why 4 cheeseburgers? We're only with 3."
"Niall always orders 2 burgers for himself."
Nu begreep ik het, alhoewel het eigenlijk wel vrij duidelijk was.
"Okay, so that's it?", vroeg de serveerster.
"I guess so."

Niall is echt een beest wanneer hij eet. Letterlijk en figuurlijk dan.
Tijdens het eten legde Harry zijn hand op m'n been. Ik zag er waarschijnlijk rooder uit dan de ketchup op m'n cheeseburger, maar ik vond het fijn dus ik geef er niet om hoe ik eruit zag op dat moment.
"If you would excuse me, I have to go", zei Niall toen hij z'n 2 cheeseburgers had opgegeten.
"It's okay", zei ik. We kusten elkaar gedag.
Even later vroeg ik aan Harry: "Is it true you know a girl called Olivia?"
"Maybe, family name?"
"I don't know, but I have a picture of her."
Ik toonde Harry de foto.
"She told me you also dated her, and now you're doing like you don't have ever know her."
"You want to know why I'm acting like that?"
Ik knikte. "Why?"
"I met her before I met you. She was just a fan who asked me to go on a date with her. So to be nice I took her to the cinema. That was Thursday, the day before I saw you standing in the audience. She thought I liked her, but I just wanted to be nice. You're the one I really like and the one I want to go further with."
"So the problem is Olivia herself?"
"That's a shorter way to tell. But I wanted you to know the whole story."

"Text me", zei ik, "or call me."
Harry kwam dichter, hij kuste me en zei: "What I said tonight came straight from my heart."
Hij knuffelde me en fluisterde in m'n oor: "I love you."

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