Foto bij My YouTube girl - Niall Horan

For the lovely Publisher, also known as Vivian. I hope you like this one babe, it will get a part two, promise.

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

Reageer (7)

  • SpecialMofo

    Super leuk! Wat is Niall zonder eten...?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Publisher

    Like? Like? Seriously? LIKE? I love this, oh my. I had to stop reading for a while because I was fangirling from the start, first because Niall is wearing his onesie (which I'm gonna steal some day, just like his pink vest.) But second of all because this one is specially written for me. So me fangirling was yelling so high pitched that only dogs could hear me. And waving my arms like a bird. Oh yeah, I'm that awesome. I actually hope I never meet them, because it would take a lot to contain myself and try to be kinda normal. Which I'm not, that's a third thing I needed to fangirl about: the fact you made me me. That's really me: the rambling, the fuck, the covering my mouth and the being late. It's all so me. Fourth thing I needed to fangirl about: the food. Really, it's like you really know me, which you kinda do. But still. Fifth thing I needed to fangirl about: there's gonna be a part two. And I already know: that one is gonna knock me out, in a good way.

    Ok. Now I'm peeing my pants out of excitement. Emma, I love you. This is what made my day perfect. And I had a really shit day, trust me. So thank you.

    1 decennium geleden

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