Foto bij 001. | The Tickets

All right, It may start a little bit boring but you know what they say.. the first parts are just to know what it's about, and later comes the action!!
BUT! You wont regret it if you read a bit furder.
My grammer is sometimes not fully perfect, so in the start I got a little help from my best friend in the world
I hope you will like it, I did my best and there ain`t more I can do!
Keep in mind, if you love 1D you will defenitly like this!
Big Love

Deze story is niet geschikt voor alle leeftijden. Daarom is deze alleen te lezen als je bent ingelogd. Zo houden we leuk voor alle bezoekers.

Reageer (7)

  • harry1Dlover

    awesome story. if you don't like this, go to the doctor and do a braintest. loveeiit

    1 decennium geleden
  • Armadillo

    Leuk :D

    1 decennium geleden

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