"I was born in the Netherlands. My father was an English drugsdealer, my mother was the nicest person I've ever met. They didn't match at all, but they were so perfect together. I had the sweetest boyfriend and the best parents I could ever wish for. When I was 17 my boyfriend had an accident with a motorcycle. He died in the hospital. Nearly 2 months later, my father went to one of his 'bros', that's what he called them. When he didn't come back the day after he left, we called the police. They found him in the man's house, he fled and my father was killed. A week later I turned 18. It was the first birthday without my father and it hurt. My mother shot herself three days after my birthday, because she couldn't handle the loss of my father. She left me a note." Ik snikte en pakte het briefje uit mijn broekzak. "Shall I read it to you?" Harry knikt.

Dear Maika,
I want you to know I love you. I waited untill you were officially an adult, otherwise I would have done it before. And dear Maika, I want you to know that I never wanted to hurt you, I just couldn't stand the pain that I got when your father died. You're on your own now, and I'm really sorry that I can't be at your wedding, that I can't meet your future boyfrien(s). ; ) Luckily this letter is not too formal, otherwise I'd cry loads more than I do already. But If you get a new boyfriend I'll watch you, if you'll get married I'll walk by your side, even though you won't notice me. I'll always be a part of your life, doesn't matter where you will go or which path you will take. I'll support you, like I've always supported your dad. You know what you should do? Travel the world, to forget about Holland for a while.
I want you to know that I love you, and I'm sorry I haven't been the perfect mom for you.
Your Mother.
P.S. Don't forget I love you.

Ik probeer Harry aan te kijken, maar het mislukt. Ik barst weer in huilen uit. Harry slaat zijn armen om me heen. "I'm so sorry." fluistert hij

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