Foto bij Year 1 Chap 5

I'm sorry it's so late!!
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I took in a deep breath as the snow fell down from the sky. It was Saturday, and Mother had allowed me to walk through the gardens one last time before Christmas tomorrow and the journey back to Hogwarts.

Our gardens were always full with roses. Roses, Lilies, Snapdragons, all kinds of flowers really. It had a rainbow of colours. Literally.

Mother had created her own species of flowers, which looked like Tiger lilies, but had all the colours of the rainbow. When I asked her why she made them, she had said "Beauty is not a colour, it's a complete seperate being."

I sighed, and smiled as I saw fog appear in front of me because of it. Despite the coldness, winter really was one of my favourite seasons. It was simple, and pure. The snow is so pure, that once you touch it, it becomes unpure and disappears. At least, that's how I see it.

Sometimes, I wish I was like that. Father says that our kind is the purest of them all. But in my eyes, we're tainted with blood of beasts.

"Brienna?" I heard a firm voice behind me. I turned, holding my scarf up with my hand to shield my face from the wind.

"Yes, Father?"

"I wanted to apologize for my actions back at Hogwarts." He said, smiling sadly.

"There really is no need for that, Father. I assure you, every bit of what you said I deserved. I shouldn't have lost control that easily..." I responded.

"Yes, but--"

"Father-" I interrupted. "-It doesn't matter. Every bit of what happened was my fault. There is no need for you to apologize."

He sighed and wrapped his arm around me to take me into a half-embrace.

"You know I love you, right?" I nodded and wrapped my arms around his torso. It wasn't very common Father showed love in physical contact with me, but when he did, I made sure to give him even more love in return.

"And I love you so much as well, Father" I told him. He kissed the top of my head and I felt him smile against it.

"Come on, let's get inside. Your Mother has dinner ready"

"Brienna! Lift your hand! Surely you don't want food sticking on every part of your dress now, do you?" Mother scolded. I smiled cheekily and nodded, lifting my hand properly as she has taught me from birth.

"There, now, that's better. Now, Adair dear, what do you say we let Brienna open up her Christmas present before she goes back to school?" Mother asked Father.

I perked up. Christmas present? But Father said...

"Emalee, did you have to ruin the surprise?" Father sighed.

I perked up even more. Surprise?

"...What's going on?" I asked, looking back and forth between Mother and Father.

"Your Father and I decided that, while you perhaps don't deserve it, we'd buy you a Christmas present anyway. On the condition that you behave exceptionally well for the remainder of your term. We expect nothing more than the best of grades from you in return. Do you understand honey?" Mother explained.

My face lit up as I nodded and nodded.

"Make sure you're down in the dining room by eight o'clock this evening" Father told me, before he dismissed himself from dinner.

When I looked at Mother for an explanation, she just smiled and dismissed herself by picking up the plates and walking towards the kitchen.

I sat at the dining table while thinking of what the bloody hell just happened.

It was seven thirty in the evening and I was bored out of my mind. So bored, I even started levitating my clothes in the air, pretending they were dancing.

It agitated me that my parents hadn't even dropped a hint as to what my present would be. I sighed as I rolled over on my bed, cancelling the spell on my clothes. The sun in the ceiling irritated me even more.

I closed my eyes. Instinctively, I began to yawn and decided to keep my eyes open.

With another sigh, I stood up and walked down to the dining room. It was fifteen to eight by now and it surely couldn't hurt to be earlier down.

I grabbed a thin jacket from my closet and put it on. And so my journey to the dining room began. Step for step I walked down our marble covered stairway. The stone was hot beneath my feet. Mother must've spelled it right before winter had come. Probably didn't notice it earlier.

When I walked into the dining room, it was dark. All except for a tree in the corner. My eyes widened as I walked to it. Underneath it, were two big packages.

I felt two thin arms wrap themselves around my waist and I looked up to see my Mother's face from behind me.

"Since when do we have a tree?" I asked.

Mother smiled and laughed. "You don't like it? I thought it would be a good addition to the room. At least until the next year" she said.

I nodded and looked at it again. It was decorated with the flowers from Mother's garden, glass dragons with a moving charm and the most beautiful christmasballs I had ever seen.

A heavy hand was put on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Father staring down at me with a smile on his face.

"Well, open up. Their both for you" He said.

I looked back and forth between the gifts and my parents before I nodded and took one of the packages.

I tried to contain my excitement while opening it, but failed when I ripped the paper and saw firm wood. Within seconds I knew what it was, and ripped the present open, presenting a brand new Nimbus 2000.

"Mom, Dad-" I spoke, slipping out of the polite daughter for what must've been the first time in ages "-This really wasn't necessary! I would've been happy with a new quill. This must've cost a lot.."

"Honey, it's yours. Now open your other present" Mother told me with a smile.

I nodded and put the Nimbus 2000 aside. I picked up the other package, and opened it. It presented me with an instrument.

"It's a guitar. The muggle variation. I was told it was easier to learn. It's also an acoustic one, so it doesn't need to be plug into anything. I figured you could play it, whenever you're bored." Mother explained.

I nodded and examined the black wood it was made it, turning it and feeling every curve it had. My fingers brushed against the strings.

"I love it" I told them with a smile. "I don't know how to play it though.."

"Oh!" My mother spoke up "I bought a book along with it. I'm afraid I don't know anything about these, but the store owner assured me that it would help lots if I bought it along with the guitar" She said, handing me a black book.

I nodded, taking the book and placing it with the guitar and the Nimbus 2000. I stood up and walked to my parents, enveloping them both in a hug.

"Thank you so much" I told them. "I don't have anything for either of you though..."

"Don't worry. Just learn your guitar quick so we can play together. Me on the harp and you on the guitar" My Mother said gleefully.

"I'm pretty sure it would sound terrible together" I added, laughing. Mother laughed too, but I knew she agreed.

"As for me, I don't need anything from you" Father spoke, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I smiled up to him.

"Thank you, daddy" I said. I hugged him again when he looked like he was about to cry.

'Daddy' was a word I hadn't ever since I turned 3.

He hugged me back, and when we separated I told them I loved them both.

Christmas was good, perfect, this year.

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