Next morning.

I woke up of my phone. Arghh it was 7 o clock and i was so tired. I looked at my phone and i saw amber just texted me. * Hiii did you sleep well?? It was just so amazing his name is kai and he is so nice!! And how was your time with niall?? Xxxxx
When i read the textmessage i thought of last night. It was amazing. Niall and i walked home together and when i stand in front my door he kissed me and hugged me. Good night beautiful he said and then i walked away. I felt the butterflies in my stomach when i thought of it. *hii i slept good thnx but that’s amazing!!! I am so happy for you amb. Niall is such a sweetie <3 haha xxx. I send back to amber. Then i got out of my bed and put a hoodie and some pants on and walked down stairs. There i picked a sandwich and taked my ipod. I put my headphones up and i walked outside. I jogged for 1 hour and then i came back home. When i was almost there i saw someone sitting in front of my door. When i was getting closer i recognized the person. It was zayn. Hiya he said when i saw me. He stood up and hugged me. Hey what’s wrong i asked cause i saw he was worried. Well i saw you yesterday crying and i saw Méadhbh Kelly and Yasmin talking to you and niall. So i wanted to know what was going on. Well it they said that i didn’t deserved niall and they laughed at me. Méadhbh was flirting with him and she tried to kiss him. But niall ran after my and well i feel better now. I said to zayn. Zayn smiled. What?? I said to zayn. It is nice to see you in love with someone zayn said. We laughed and then we walked inside.

*Sharon POV*

i woke up with such a good mood. It was probably of what happened yesterday. It was such a great night. When i saw liam for the first time it was like i stopped breathing. He was gorgeous. We talked a lot yesterday and he walked me home. When we were alone i asked me out. He was so sweet. Tommorow at 8 o clock pm he is going to pick me up and then we are going to dinner. I am so excited!! Yesterday when we were standing in front of my house he kissed me and it was amazing!!. I called naomi cause louis walked her home. – hi with naomi
- hi it is me sharon
- OMG SHARON!! You are not gonna believe this
- What??!!
- Louis asked me out for dinner
- WHATT!! Liam asked me out too
- Aahhh it is so nice now!! Omg i am so excited
- Well liam kissed me last night also
- What ok ok tell me how was it!!??
- It was amazing he is so sweet!!
- Aahh it is nice to hear that!! But i have to go now louis is comming over!! Byebye love you see ya tommorow!!
I said goodbye and i laughed. Naomi was such a crazy person but i loved her. I loved all me friends!! I saw i had a message from liam. I opened it * Hii babe have you slept well?? I dreamed about you and it is just like i know you fora ges. I can’t wait for tommorow lets go out tonight!! Xxx love you so much.
I felt the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. Hii yeah i also dreamt about you!! Ok at what time?? Xx i love you too!!
I texted back. Then i took a shower. When i came back liam texted back. I will pick you up at 7 !! i can;t wait to see you!! Xxx you are beautiful!!
Aww he was so sweet.

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