*Niall POV*

omg she just told me she is falling in love with me. I am so happy right now!! Then i heard some girls shouting at hayley. Hey hayley have you finally found yourself a reall friend. Said a girl with very dark eyes. Haha yasmin that was a good one a other girl said. Yasmin and Kelly shut up!! The last girl said. Hi i am Méadhbh the girl said to me and she started flirting. I pushed her away and walked to hayley who was standing there. I saw she had tears in her eyes. The three girls laughed. They were so mean. Méadhbh walked to me and tried to kiss me. Go away i said !! haha i have to go away Méadhbh said niall you know i am so much better for you. Look at hayley she is just a weirdo. Shut up i said. And then i saw hayley running away. Go away you slag i said to Méadhbh and runned after hayley. Hayley wait HAYLEY i shouted. She stopped running and she cried. I walked to her and cuddled her. Shh don’t cry you are beautiful. No i am not she says. Yes you are. You are the beautifulles nicest person you are just amazing.!! She looked at me and said: you really think about me like that?? Yeah ofcourse i do i said. Her face was comming closer and i felt her soft lips against mine. And then we kissed. It was not a passionatly kiss but just a sweet kiss. She wiped her tears and started laughing. Why are you laughing i asked. Well i guess i am looking like a ugly zombie hahaha. You are never ugly i said!!.

*zayn pov*

i saw hayley crying and saw kelly yasmin and Méadhbh standing by her and niall. Hayley ran away but i saw niall was with her and they just looked so cute together. I looked at imilde and i knew she was worried about hayley. That is what i love about her. She accepts my friendship with hayley and amber and they are really good friend too. Don’t worry i said to her. She is ok niall is with her. Is said. Yeah well i know it’s just i hate those bitches. I looked at her and smiled. Why are you smiling she said. I love it when you are mad. It turns me on i answered and i winked. She turned red and pushed me playfully. I cuddled here and wispered i love you. I love you tos he answered.

*Hayley POV*

when niall and i were back at the café . they were al so nice to me. I saw sandra and harry walking hand in hand and said they were going now. I gave sandra a hug and wispered good luck!! She smiled and then walked away with harry. Amber was still talking to thath very handome guy. I am going to talk to amber i said to niall who was still holding me. Ok when you need something just say!! He answered. I walked to amber and amber took my arm and we walked away. OMG he is just so oakdghowekg i don’t know what to say to him!! She said. Well ask him if he can walk you home?? I said. But you then you have to walk alone. She said. No no niall will walk me homei smiled. What you and niall??!! She said that is so cute!! I laughed amber had always this crazy reactions haha. Come on and go to that boy!! I said and i want to hear everything tommorow!! Omg thank you so much she said. And i will text you as soon i am a wake haha.

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