Foto bij Year 1 Chap 4

For anyone who doesn't know this;
Veela's are Magical Beings, like Wizards and Witches, but when enraged or angered they can transform into Harpies. As is explained on every wikipedia page of the Harry Potter Veela's (since Veela's are normally Norwegian ghosts or something)

If anything is confusing, or unclear to you, don't hesitate asking !

When I awoke, the first thing I noticed was the familiar piercing of my Father’s disapproving glare.

I gulped, as I opened my eyes and saw my parents talk to Headmaster Dumbledore at the entrance of the Infirmary. I straightened, and sat up. My parents and the Headmaster noticed this, and stopped their talking. Father was still glaring.

Mother rushed towards me, taking my hand in both of hers and asking me if I was okay.

I nodded and spoke softly and full with anxiousness. What was my Father thinking?

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a hand come down on my shoulder. I looked, and saw my Father staring down at me.

“I hope you know, that you are in a lot of trouble.” He spoke sternly. I winced and nodded.

“I…I let my anger get the best of me… again” I admitted in shame. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, although the first time in public.

“You were lucky enough that a teacher managed to intervene before the other students were injured, young lady. I hope you know what the consequences are.” Again, I nodded.

“And you expect me to allow my son to be in a school where he is exposed to such a dangerous, filthy creature!” I heard someone yell from the entrance.

I looked, and I heard my Father scowl. The man had long platinum blond hair, pulled together neatly with a ribbon as he yelled against the Headmaster.

“I am truly sorry, Mister Malfoy, but Miss Blith is not considered a creature, and therefore is allowed to stay at Hogwarts. As are her rights.” The Headmaster spoke calmly. No doubt he had had more encounters with Mr. Malfoy.

I turned my head, and caught my Father looking at me before walking over to Mr. Malfoy, pulling out his checkbook and writing down. They spoke in whispers and I couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

Mr. Malfoy checked the content of the writing and nodded, hastily taking the paper from Father and nodding to both the Headmaster and my Father.

Headmaster Dumbledore sighed, and nodded at my Father as he too left.

“You’ll be homeschooled until after Christmas” I heard Mother speak.

I turned my head so fast, my hair hit me in the face.

“What?! Why?!” I asked. I didn’t want to leave!

“Be grateful young lady!” Mother said sternly. “You could’ve been expelled and denied any further education, were it not for the fact that no one was injured!”

I cringed, and bowed my head in shame.

“I-I’m so sorry…” I sobbed.

I heard Mother sigh, and she took me in her arms.

“It’s just until after Christmas. You’ll be out of the Infirmary by tomorrow, and you’ll pack your things and come home.”

I just cried in her arms. I made such a big mistake.

I had said goodbye to my friends. Hannah had hugged me tightly, and Cedric had ruffled my hair.

I laid my hand on my Mother’s arm when she offered it, and waved at my friends before stepping into the carriage that would take us to the station. I sat next to my Father.

“You won’t get any presents this winter” I heard Father say. “I had to spent a severe high amount of Galleons to have Malfoy keep his mouth shut.”

“I understand” I said. “It’s all my fault any way. If I hadn’t lost control…. I’m just glad I’m still allowed to follow Hogwarts’ lessons..” I spoke softly. I leaned into Father, and grabbed his hand. “Thank you, Father. So much.”

I told him, smiling in honesty. Father looked at me, sighed and returned the smile. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

I fell asleep on the way home.

When we arrived at our not-entirely-a-manor-nor-mansion, I grabbed my trunk, levitating it with the Wingardium Leviosa spell we learned.

We didn’t have any house-elves, since it would be weird for a being formerly considered as a creature to command another creature.

Mother certainly didn’t mind. She loved cooking and certainly didn’t want to be disturbed while doing so.

When we set foot in the house, Father went upstairs. Towards his study no doubt. Mother nodded to me and went out to the gardens.

I stretched myself before walking up the stairs, my trunk behind me, and walked to my room.

As I opened the door, my nose got filled with the scent of fresh plucked lilies. Only my room was scented like that, because, as just a little baby birdy I would only sleep when I was surrounded by something from nature. And so it was lilies.

I levitated my trunk next to my bed, and as soon as its strain lifted from my wand, I fell on my bed. No doubt about it, I certainly do prefer my own bed to that of the Hufflepuff one.

My walls were painted with moving animals and scenery.

Mother had told me they were spelled to my mood. So when I was happy, the room was bright. When I was sad, the room was filled with thunder. At the moment, the skies on my wall were bright, but a storm was certainly coming.

I sighed as I stood up and left my room. I wonder how long it would feel until it was January…

Reageer (3)

  • xPreciious

    but otherwise : NICE STORY

    1 decennium geleden
  • xPreciious

    why english...
    Dutch is better and more readable.

    1 decennium geleden
  • AfterToday

    There is just one word suitable for this story:
    I think that pretty much summed it up.

    1 decennium geleden

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