Foto bij Year 1 Chap 3

Probably rushing this a bit, but yeah. Malfoy had to get something for that comment xD

Overall, the next few months went by without problems.

I excelled in most of my subjects, out of our year. Especially Potions and Transfiguration. And despite being in Hufflepuff, I had the most trouble with Herbology.

The Slytherin Head, Professor Snape, didn’t seem to like me having the best grades in our class. So he paired me up with Andrew Schneijder. A German student, here only till fourth year and then he’s going back to Germany.

He wasn’t…good in Potions. Crushing most of the ingredients when they were meant to be sliced. I didn’t mind though. The stories he told me during working on the potion distracted me in a good way.

He had a little sister, Henrietta, who always cried when he went away from home. I smiled.

His family apparently had a distant connection to mine. The cousin of one of my forefathers had an affair with a woman from the Schneijder family. Being a Pureblooded Veela, he was shunned away by the whole Blith family.

That was probably the reason I didn’t know who he was talking about until I found the name Mayven familiar, and searched it up in my family tree that I always carried with me.

It was now nearly the end of December, Christmas break turning up as well. I wondered if Mother had bought me another dress.

She seemed to think I was a woman already!

I sighed as I put on my nightgown. It was quite short, barely reaching my knees and made from black silk. But charmed with a heating spell. One of my Father’s inventions.

Narcotic and Sibicus were talking to each other, murmuring something about a stone. I shrugged, thinking I shouldn’t put my nose in someone else’s business. And although they did help me with my Herbology assignments, they were quite noisy and talkative.

Walking to the bathroom, I used a special crème for my hair. Just so it doesn’t curl in the morning. I brushed my teeth, splashed water in my face, and left for my bed.

I had changed the colour of my blanket to a beige one. Don’t know if it was allowed or not.

I lifted the sheets, crawling beneath them and setting my wand beside my pillow, staring up at the ceiling before drifting into sleep.

The entire class, including me, groaned as Professor Sprout told us to go search some kind of flower on the entire school grounds. Except for the Forbidden Forest of course. She made it into a contest, the team who wins gets 50 points to each of their Houses.

I looked away nervously and played with my hair, while standing next to my partner. He just looked around a bit, looking at where the other teams were going, and then tapped my shoulder.

“I think we should be getting going as well” Harry Potter spoke.

I nodded. Then something came into me.

“Wait, what were we supposed to be searching again?” I asked, flushing.

“Umm” he mumbled. “I think it was something called… Luming Rose. It’s supposed to glow in the dark, and tends to grow in extremely light places. Or so the professor said” He grinned cheekily.

I grinned back and nodded.

“Well, the only real light places I know of would be near the Lake. Since it’s bright at day, and when it’s night the water reflects the light of the moon…?”

He nodded. “We’ll check there first then.”

After searching for what felt like hours, we found the flower. Well, we found it but couldn’t use it, because I kinda slipped and fell on it. Luckily, there was a whole branch not far from there, and we managed to get back with it.

And although we didn’t win first prize, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor still got 50 points each thanks to Hannah and a Gryffindor named Neville Longbottom.

I smiled and shook Harry’s hand. During our ‘expedition’ we had talked and found we had several things in common. The love for flying being one, having trouble with Herbology being the other. He told me that he mostly failed during Potions, and I offered him to help him whenever he had trouble.

He rejected my offer, saying that his new friend Hermione always seemed to help him out enough. I’m not going to lie, I did feel disappointed. However that feeling went away as soon as he said that he would love to go and fly with me sometimes.

I accepted his offer, even though I failed to mention that I didn’t exactly…fly with brooms. The only thing that really came into my mind, was that I’ll just ask a broom for Christmas. If Father and Mother only bought me a cheap broom, I wouldn’t have any problem with it being my only present this year.

When the day was finally over, and dinner was being served, I sat with Cedric and the others. His friends went easy on me, and asked me how my day was. I returned the favour of asking how theirs was, and we didn’t speak more.

I was comfortable with it. That way I could talk more with Cedric.
When dinner was over, I made my way to the dormitories, but stopped as I saw four Slytherin boys walking to me.

It was Malfoy, Ciera and the two fatties.

When walking past, Malfoy shot me a glare and murmured ‘Filthy Animal’ under his breath.

My breath hitched when I heard the other boys laugh.
I turned around fast, hastily pointing my wand at the bleach-blond boy. “I dare you to repeat that.”

Malfoy chuckled as he turned around. “Me? Oh, I’ll repeat what I said. I said ‘Filthy animal’. I really don’t know what you’re upset about, since it is what you are” The boys laughed.

I crunched my teeth. My anger consuming me. Before I knew it, I heard feather rustling, and I knew it had went too far…

I watched Malfoy duck behind his cronies as my face started to form bird-like. Wings sprouting from my back, feathers covering my entire body.

I lost control. I heard the beast in me use my voice to screech in anger.

My vision went black, and I could only hope I didn’t hurt them.

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