Foto bij Year 1 Chap 2

Check out the soundtrack at the Story page!
Also, the names are completely random xD Wikipedia didn't give me any information so yeah, haha

When I came down to the Great Hall, it seemed as though the students were doubled. Nearly half of these students were there this morning.

I walked to the Hufflepuff table, and didn't see any seat free at Hannah's, so I set myself on the edge of the Hufflepuff table, closest to the entrance of the Great Hall.

I was surrounded by elder students, third years, and they watched me curiously as I blushed and looked at the table.

"Hey" I heard, and I looked up to see student with dark hair and grey eyes.

"H-hello" I stuttered in response.

"I'm Cedric Diggory. Your name?" He asked. I blushed again and told him my name.

"Brienna huh? Nice to meet you. These are Blayne Wentworth, Henry Gabbleknoff, Menno Hyfferdill and Julian Finnian.” I nodded to the other boys and spoke greetings. They simply nodded back before continuing their own conversations.

“Don’t mind them. If you ever need any help, don’t hesitate asking either of us” He smiled, and I thanked him just as Professor McGonagall made an announcement.

I didn’t really pay attention, and almost fell off my chair when the food appeared with a snap.

Blushing, I looked up to the see Blayne, Henry and Julian chuckling. Cedric just shot me a grin.

My eyes went past Cedric, and I noticed Duche staring at me. Not even bothering looking away when he noticed I noticed him.

I stared back curiously.

Apparently some of his friends noticed and nudged him, which startled him. I watched him explain something to his friends before moving to my dinner.

I didn’t look up again.

When dinner was over, I left for the dormitories. Not waiting for Hannah or the others. I didn’t stop until I was standing in front of my bed.

Sighing, I combed my hand through my hair and looked out of the window between mine and Hannah’s bed.

Even though the Hufflepuff dormitories are underground, the windows showed a bright green garden, with lots of plants and flowers. You could even smell them.

For a while, I was the only one in our room. I guessed the other ones were in the Common Room.

I opened my trunk, picking up a dress my Mother sneaked in it. It was jet black, and well formed to show off every curve. I didn’t even have curves yet!

I sighed and put the dress on my bed, my fingers playing with the ruffles that started mid-thigh and ended at the ankles.

My Mother was both Veela, and a Seer, so I figured she knew what she was doing by putting it in my trunk. I just sighed. They shouldn’t even make these type of dresses for 11-year old girls!

Looking around, I noticed the plants talking to each other. Wait, talking?

I stood up and walked to them, looking at them curiously before they turned to me and one of them spit something in my face.

I hurriedly wiped my face with my sleeve and glared at the plant, until it started talking.

“Can ye ‘ear ‘s now, ‘Ung Lady?” it said. I nodded and I watched the other plant nudging the other.

“Don’t be so rude, Sibicus. I’m terribly sorry for his accent. I’m afraid he isn’t from any English-speaking soil” The other one said.

“I’m Narcoti, and this is Sibicus.”

“What did you spit in my face?” I asked.

“Oh! That be ‘ust som planz ‘mula!” Sibicus said.

Narcoti sighed. Wait, how’d she, presuming it’s a she, even do that?

“It’s a plant formula. Your Head of House asks him to do it with every student daring to get close to us. Just so they won’t get lonely, she said.” Narcoti explained.

“’At be ‘ight” Sibicus nodded. Or so it seemed.

I chuckled, and shot up straight when I suddenly heard the door open.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the girls walking through. The plants quieted, and stayed silent.

I greeted the girls, before returning to my bed and quickly putting the dress away.

Hannah, unfortunately, saw it.

“Wow! That’s an amazing dress! Is it yours?” she asked.

“Yeah, my mum sneaked it in my trunk when I wasn’t looking. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t even fit me” I lied. Mother had made me wear it around the house on my birthday last June.

“Hmmm~” Hannah hummed, though she left to make conversation with the others.

I picked up my nightwear and went to the bathroom, changing there and using a Muggle toothbrush instead of my wand to clean my teeth.

Combing my hair, I braided it and let it rest over my shoulder.

Walking back to the beds, I saw the others already laying in their beds, although they weren’t sleeping yet.

I smiled, and moved to my bed, sitting on it before placing a kiss on my fingers and then placing my fingers on my parent’s picture. They looked up and waved at me, almost as if thanking me.

“Goodnight girls” I spoke before laying down, placing my wand next to my pillow.

I heard the others speak goodnight at me and at each other as well, before moving beneath their own sheets.

Closing my eyes, I fell into a black abyss and into sleep.

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