Foto bij Prologue

-Picture will be added later on-

It didn’t take long before I was sorted into a House at Hogwarts. My friends and I had started planning our time together, even though we didn’t know what Houses we’d be put in yet.
I clapped as my friends were called and put in their Houses. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. I smiled as I congratulated them, and as they went to sit with their Housemates, my name was called on. I shyly walked to the chair, where Professor McGonagall stood, holding the Sorting Hat in the sky, only to place it on the new Student’s heads. As I sat down, the palms my hands placed on my thighs, I felt the weight of the Hat being placed on my blond head. I swallowed nervously.

“Nervous, are we? Miss Blith?” I heard from above my head. I almost titled my head back, but remembered that the Hat could speak.

“Y-Yes” I stuttered. I stared at the other students who watched me with careful eyes. As the Sorting Hat hummed in thought, my eyes went to my friends, begging for silent support. I didn’t want anything else than to be placed in the same House as them.

“Let’s see, Miss Blith. You’re definitely not cunning and ambitious enough for Slytherin…Not too brave for Gryffindor…” The Hat spoke in thought.

I closed my eyes and pleaded ‘Please, Ravenclaw’ in my head. ‘Don’t separate me from my friends’

“Your mind knows hard work and your heart is in a good place. You will know where your loyalty lies. HUFFLEPUFF” It bellowed.

I cringed as I saw most of the students either laugh or snicker. Including some of my friends. Standing up, I hurried to the Hufflepuff table, and set next to a girl with blond hair.

“Hello! I’m Hannah Abott, what’s your name?” She asked, smiling gently as she held out her hand in greeting. I took it and smiled back, glad to have a beginning friendship on the way.

“I’m Brienna Blith. It’s nice to meet you, Abott” I responded, not sure if I should’ve used her first or last name. From early age, I was always told to greet people by their last name, and only by their first if they either gave me permission, or I knew them well enough.

“Please, call me Hannah, as long as I may call you Brienna?” I grinned and nodded at her response.
“Of course! It’s nice to meet you Hannah.”
“Likewise, Brienna”
I smiled one last time at her before focusing on the students who hadn’t been sorted yet. My mind and focus kept going back to one student. He had shot, black hair at the back, and two long bangs at the front. The bangs both went from black on the top, to a dirty blond at the bottom. They were so long, they rested on the boy’s collarbone. His face was not too pale, and not too tan and his eyes were a mixture of green, blue and silver.

He turned and stared back at me. I sat up straight and blushed, looking away immediately. I heard the Hat bellow “RAVENCLAW” and clapped as the student went to the blue table.

“Ciera, Duche!” Professor McGonagall called.

I looked into the group of students and noticed the boy I had been staring at walk towards the chair. Secretly I hoped he’d be put into Hufflepuff with me, but as the Hat bellowed “SLYTHERIN, I knew the boy was probably no good, to be put in the same House as You-Know-Who.

My mind wandered off, until I hear Hannah gasp and whisper to the girl sitting on the other side of her.

“Harry Potter. THAT Potter is here?” I heard her say.

My eyes locked onto the scrawny figure of this ‘Harry Potter’. I vaguely remembered the stories Mother told me about. About how You-Know-Who disappeared on Halloween night while he attacked the Potters. I remember her telling me that the son survived.

Potter stood up and went to sit at the Gryffindor table. I didn’t pay much attention to the other students being sorted. Instead, my eyes went to the Slytherin table, watching that boy Duche, participate into a conversation with a boy with white blond hair. A Malfoy, of course. It was the only good trait about them, in my opinion.

When the sorting was over, Hannah poked me out of my trance. I looked at her and she motioned me to follow her and the elder students to our dormitories.

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  • Makayla


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