
Ash is woensdag geoppereerd. Ze heeft plotseling een beenmerg transplantatie gehad. Geen zorgen, ze heeft geen leukemie. Maar er is wel wat mis met haar bloed.

Dit is het laatste stuk wat ze mij eerst had gegeven. En ik mag zondag misschien weer ff bij haar. Maar een maandag mag ze zelf miss ff op een computer, dus als je haar een berichtje wilt sturen, kan dat via dit emailadres. Zou ze erg leuk vinden.

liefs lulu

I'm the girl who plays with razorblades

The arms are strong and cold. “shh,, she'll come back” I know that voice. “Alice,, why did she did this to me” I really cry now. “she needed time with your dad” she sounds soothing. “well don't you think,, I want to see him sometime” I scrape myself together and wipe away my tears. “I think you need time with both your parents” she hugs me tight and then lets me go. “You need to go back to bed” she leads me to bed.

Alice is gone for a half hour already,, and I'm still awake. How can my own parents do this,, I'm only 15. I'm too young to take care of my own,, well according to the law. I decide to get out of bed,, and walk to the window. For a second I think I see someone outside,, and fear overwhelm me. “is the downstairs locked” I'm too afraid to get down again. This always happens to me,, when I'm all alone. My phone goes off,, a text message. The doors are locked. It's a unknown number,, and it isn't signed. But this fact doesn't worries me,, and I get back to bed. This time I fall asleep.

I wake up in time,, but I doubt if I go to school. I don't have a ride,, and I don't feel like walking. Then the doorbell rings,, and I open the door. “hii Aislin,, you are getting a ride from us to school,, do be ready in half an hour” and Alice walks away again.

I'm ready before it's time,, and so I watch tv a little while. “you where supossed to come outside” It's the stupid,, big headed,, freakish guy. “well I'm sorry,, I'm not a know-it-all” I grab my bags and leave the house before him. Alice and Jasper are already in the car. “Where is the rest of you” I ask them. “They took the other car” apparently he's driving and I sit next to him. “have you ever heard of speed limits” I ask after 5 minutes. This guy really wants to give me a hart attack. “we are going to be fine” he snaps at me. For the rest of the way,, there's silence.

At school it's big news apparently,, because everybody is staring. “great,, great,, great,, now everybody looks at me” I mumble. The rest of the Cullens leave me alone,, as soon as I got out. I see them standing by the car of the blond girl,, miss I'm way to pretty to say hii to you. That's how I'm calling her. And her boyfriend has the nickname of mister I'm gonna kick your ass if you say anything. Jasper is still hallucination 2,, and Alice number 1. And the last one only has a nickname,, not a real name.

School sucks today. He's trying too talk to me during literature,, but I'm ignoring him again. Maybe it's harsh but I need time. The classes go by soon,, and in the 7th period I found a piece a paper in my textbook. meet me at the parking lot,, it says. It's probably a joke. So I toss the paper away,, and I turn over some more pages. There is another piece of paper. It's not a joke. Okay this is weird,, maybe I should go. So I ask for permission to leave the class,, and I walk outside. Then I see the person who wrote the note.

who needs to go to bed,, if the guy of your dreams is standing in front of you

okay this one sucks a bit,, but you must forgive me for that. I write more then my bff can post. I hope you will leave a reaction,, because I'm gonna check on you on Monday xD. Because hopefully I'm aloud to have a comp then. Love you all

Reageer (3)

  • KathyCullen

    veel beterschap. (flower)

    1 decennium geleden
  • MeLovesMusic


    1 decennium geleden
  • Wasilewski

    heel veel beterschap. =[ <3
    hopelijk kom je er snel boven op!
    & je verhaal is écht geweldig
    i love it!

    x (H)
    i've added you on msn if you don't mind ^^

    1 decennium geleden

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