this is a small one,, because I have a shitty evening,, and I don`t feel like writing.

On a day,, you said you loved me,, and now you let me down like this,, maybe it`s to hard to love me

I lay on my bed for a little while when my phone rings. It`s Jade,, I reconize the area code,, and it makes me hppy to see that she also think of me.
hii baby it`s nice to hear her voice again. We have a big problem,, you can`t come now she waits for my reaction,, but I`m too stunned. I click the pfone off and stand up. I walk to the window and look outside,, for a minute I thought I saw someone,, but now there`s nothing. The phone rings again,, but I`m not gonna answer. Even Jade doesn`t love me goes threw my mind.

I need to geet out off here,, so I call the airport again. “hii,, is there a flight leaving in 1 or 2 hours,, I don`t care where I go to” I ask hazy. “well the first flight is going to Sweden,, and it leaves in a hour and a half” The lady tells me. “I have a flight booked tomorrow to London,, I want to switch it to that flight” After a few minutes is everything fixed. I call a gab and grab my bags from up stairs.

It`s time to leave. I think about my up coming hike. I`m not really planning on coming back My gab is bringing me to the airport. I pay the nice man and walk through the doors. I`ve checked in and I wait till the plain arrives. And then a girl is sitting next to me. “ you know,, you can`t ran away from your problems” I look at her,, she doesn`t look familiar. She is pretty,, but why isn`t she minding her own business. “you don`t know anything about it” I tell her. I don`t want to be mean,, but she doesn`t know shit about me.

“ do you really think.. running away to Sweden would solve any of your problems” she is decisive,, i gotta hand her that. “no,, but it gives me time to think about stuff” why I`m I talking to a stranger “I will travel with you,, make sure you don`t get harmed” I close my eyes for one second to think,, and when I open them,, the girl is gone.

if my life is like a rose,, then why does it last this long

Reageer (1)

  • Wasilewski

    I'm sorry this reaction isn't long either, I've got to learn so hard =[.
    I've got a geographytest tomorrow =[& I kind off suck in geography..
    Today i had Frenchtest.. I didn't screw it up hat bad! :D
    & btw,
    This story always makes my day! :d

    more please :$ (H)

    1 decennium geleden

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