Agnes P.O.V

Ik plukte zenuwachtig aan mijn jurkje. “Rustig.”, zei Rose terwijl ze een laatste speld in mijn haar deed. “Je hebt gelijk.”, zuchtte ik. “Maar het helpt nog steeds niet. “Oké, jij gaat naar de woonkamer en Alice haalt zo meteen Dana. Het komt wel goed.””Jajaja.” Ik liep met Rose de woonkamer in. “Alice is niet te stoppen als het om feestjes gaat.”, zei ik. De bel ging en ik was er vrij zeker van dat iemand anders de deur wel open zou doen. En voor ik met mijn ogen kon knipperen zag ik dat inderdaad Edward de deur open deed. “Oké, Alice is nog met Dana bezig, dus Rose helpt ons.”, zei ik terwijl we naar boven liepen. Ik gooide de setjes naar hen toe. “Oké, we hebben nog drie kwartier, dus hury please.” Ik liep naar de kamer van Alice en keek hoe ver ze was. “Wie was er net?”, vroeg Dana nieuwsgierig. “Niemand.” “Oh ja joh?”, vroeg Dana sarcastisch. “Yup.”

Dana's mond viel open en Alice moest haar duwen omdat haar voeten wel aan de grond vastgelijmd leken. Ik moest lachen, wan het was inderdaad indrukwekkend. In dat opzicht was Alice wel eng. Ik trok Dana het podium op en Alice starte de muziek.

I don't want to make a scene
I don't want to let you down
Trying to do my own thing
And I'm starting to figure it out
That it's alright,
keep it together
wherever we go
And it's alright,
oh well whatever
Everybody needs to know

You might be crazy,
but have I told you lately
That I Love you
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
and it's crazy, how someone could you change me
now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
and you need to know that you're the reason..why

I dont even care when they say you're a little bit off
Look at me in the eye, I say I can never get enough!

Cuz its alright, keep it together, wherever we go
And its alright, oh well whatever
Everybody needs to know

You might be crazy,
but have I told you lately
That I Love you
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
and it's crazy, how someone could you change me
now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
and you need to know that you're the reason..why

If it was raining, you would yell at the sun,
Pick up the pieces when the damage is done,
You say its just another day in the shade
Look at what a mess we made

You might be crazy,
but have I told you lately
That I Love you
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
and it's crazy, how someone could you change me
now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try

You might be crazy,
but have I told you lately
That I Love you
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
and it's crazy, how someone could you change me
now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
and you need to know that you're the reason..why

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