- NOTE: Ik ben nog aan dit hoofdstuk bezig :3 -

A beautiful moon is shining down on the trees and grass, shedding them in a magical silver light.
I look at the outstretched grassland that lies before me, while the moonlight outlines every stone and every plant. This has always been my favorite time. The night. I feel like this is the only time that I can truly be myself. I love that the night is dark and at the same time filled with light. It feels like you can see every detail, every spot with much more detail then during the day. My sister is sitting beside me, also watching the grasslands.
“Nightshadow... I think it's better that we part our ways and each other find a place on our own,” she said, her voice still full of sorrow.
This actually surprised me. This was so unlike my sister, so straight to the point. I look aside of me so I can see her. She looks back with the same amber eyes as mine. We look so alike, the only thing that is different is that I have a dark red colored spot under my left eye. The marking is kind of odd, as no one else in my family has this.
“I-” I stop talking, not sure of what I want to say. Hysteria is building up inside me. I don't want to lose my sister!
“N-no! Blackfur! Please, let's stay together...” I look at her with eyes full of dispair.
“Look Blackfur, look up to the night sky. The stars are shining bright. Silverpelt is still watching over us... Our ancestors will guide us!"
“It's okay sister, I'm sure that our paths will cross again sometime,” she said with a smile, as if she did not hear what I said.
“I guess this is goodbye, Nightshadow. Thank you for being so kind to me, you were a really nice sister to me,” she mewed, still smiling.
“G-goodbye B-blackfur...” I said with a trembling voice. First I lost my Clan, and now I will lose my sister! Where will this end? At my amazement my sister turned her head away, her ears flattened against her skull.
“Blackfur is my name no more,” she said. “That name does not exist anymore. It only carries miserable memories. I shall be named Dineira.”
She looked at me again, as if challenging me to question her decision.
“Then this really is the end, Blackfu- Dineira,” I mewed while trying to swallow my sadness.
“Goodbye Nightshadow...”
She gives me a lick on my forehead, then turns around and walks away, her tail standing up straight, walking toward a new future. I see that she's going to the direction of ShadowClan territory. I watch her until she is vanished in the trees. Then I turn around, and start to walk into the opposite direction.

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