Remember the old times
When it was stil me and you

Remember the old times
When you told me how to do things

But we know that it will never be the same
Things went different when someone else came
And I know that I can't blame
He came at a wrong moment
It wasn't time
But we know now it will never be the same

Remember the old times
When used to laugh

Remember the old times
When we used to be out of breath

But we know that it will never be the same
I know I can't blame
Someone else came into your life
And I can't blame he took you away out of my life
But I know it will never be the same

Without you in my life
*It will never be the same*
It feels wrong to think of how we were
*And it will never be the same*
It feels so wrong you left me empty hearted
*It will never be the same*
Yeah I know it will never be the same
It will never be the same
But I just wish I could turn back the time
I wish I could make you change your mind

I won't cry because you went away
But I just know we will never be the same

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