One Chance...
“It’s me, Edward, wake up.” I whispered softly. I pulled his pretty bronze hair out of his eyes, as his beautiful green ones that put my almost luminescent green eyes to shame focused on me.
“You will get sick. Move away.” He tried to pull off a commanding voice, but it just sounded as an exhausted one.
“I will, later, but first, I have to tell you something.” He nodded, sick and sleepy eyes drooping. He shivered slightly and I pulled the thin hospital blanket even more over him. My eyes never traveled down to see what I was doing, I just looked at his face, remembering every single part and angle of it.
“You are right, I might get sick if I stay to close, but there is something that I have to tell that just can’t wait.”
He nodded again slightly, and I continued.
“Your mother passed away hours ago… You know that. I have to ask you one thing.” I tugged softly at his hair, making his eyes open a little wider and focus on mine.
“If you had the chance to step out of this all, would you?” He frowned at me. He had to answer, it was the fatal question.
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