Foto bij Changed [Clothes]

Haii Haii!! Sorry voor het lange w8enn!! (Internet lag er vaak uit ¬.¬)
Op het plaatje zie je de jurk die Faye aan heeft,, alleen heeft Faye er een zonder lint om het middel ^^
Veel plezier~~
De volgende komt vandaag nog!!

The human stands in front of me, with the “clothes” in it’s hand. It throws them on the bed, and then picks something out of it. That’s a dress… I nod slightly. ‘Alright, put your arms up, like this.’ The human stretches it’s arms above it’s head. The only thing I do, is continue to look confused. An annoyed look crosses the humans face. Then it’s friendly again. Just put up your arms for now, before he gets angry… Angry humans are not something you want to experience… I listen to Saya and put up my arms. ‘Good girl…’ The human smiles encouragingly, and even though I feel that it is fake, I feel reassured. Don’t let them trick you, that’s all they want… Still I can’t help but feel reassured. I just haven’t had enough experience with humans yet. ‘Now you stand up. Like this.’ It sits down on the bed, and then stands up again. I nod, and stand up too. Once again the human smiles. It’s even more fake than the first one, and it doesn’t reassure me. Good, you’re learning… But you shouldn’t act as if you learn everything very fast, it’s better to take some time to find out what the humans want… That’s safer for now. ‘Alright, now put up one leg.’ It lifts one of it’s long hind legs. I do the same, and it shoves my paw through a hole in some kinda small rag. Then it orders me to lift my other leg, and my paw goes through another hole. Then it shoves the rag up until it can’t go further. It feels really tight and it’s annoying. That’s underwear, humans always wear it. I nod again. These clothes feel really itchy and small and annoying, but I’ll just have to endure it. A shiver runs through my spine. Goosebumps raise on my arms. It’s really cold in here, now that I am furless and sitting still. The human notices it and takes the last one of the rags. It’s just a long white piece of cloth, and it doesn’t look very clean. That’s a blanket… though it’s not exactly the cleanest one I’ve ever seen… She chuckles, which echoes inside my head. The human stretches the blanket and drapes it around my shoulders. I don’t feel a lot warmer, but still I smile at it. It smiles back, always that fake smile. ‘Good girl. Now follow me, we’re gonna learn you something interesting.’ It turns around and walks towards the door, but then it suddenly stops, a few feet away from the already opened door. It turns it’s head in my direction and stares at me. ‘Are you coming? Just follow me, and don’t try anything funny.’ It starts walking again, continually looking over it’s shoulder. You should stand up now, and follow him. Otherwise you’re gonna get in trouble… I get up and walk a few steps in the direction of the human. Then I notice the eyes of the human, which are still pointed at me. All fake friendliness is gone from them, leaving only coldness.

Reageer (1)

  • silferdeath

    echt leukxD
    snel verderxD

    1 decennium geleden

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