Do you still love me? Do you Still care? I don't know it anymore. You say I changed, I'm not the guy you fell in love with.

I'm growing up, I'm learning things, I'm discovering things, I'm feeling things I never felt before. If you grow up, you change. I can't stay the same my whole life. you can't either. You changed too. I'm not the only one. You are growing up too. you are learning things too, you are feeling things too. at least, i hope you do. I'm not sure anymore. In my head you do. In my heart you do. In my dreams you do. And I hope that in real life, you do.

In a relation it's important not to get bored and just spend time with each other. You don't want to spend time with me because of your "busy" life. I can understand that. But what I dont understand is, why are you always mad at me? What am I doing wrong? Do you even want to talk to me? we hardly ever talk. And when we do, we have stupid standard conversations. I already gave up asking every evening of you would come online so we could talk. now i just wait until someone else asks it, because you do respond at them.

Because of your "busy" life we hardly ever talk. not at school, not at msn. In the beginning, we talked everyday. from 9 until 11. Why do we now only talk like once a week? I miss that time. I really do. I miss you. It isnt always the boy who's wrong. you are always blaming me. you are doing it now, because "I am changing" and "I'm not the boy who you fell in love with." You are just bored because we arent spending time toghether. I want to. I really do. but you have a "busy" life. I dont mind, but dont get angry at me and blame me because I "changed" and am doing stuff i did before I met you, because it feels like I don't know you anymore.

I'm still wondering, do you still love me? I just dont know it anymore. I miss you. I think about you all the time. with every love song that I hear, I think of us. I imagine us sitting in the grass, on a hill, holding hands, watching the sunset, your head on my shoulder, and telling you how much I love you and dont want to lose you.

you are still my best friend, and you will always be, no matter what happens. I really really really love you. please dont go.

Do you remember, a conversation we once had, talking about making journeys and stuff? you promised me we would go to canada toghether. please dont break that promise. I remember almost every conversation we had, because i want to remember everything of you.

I love you.

Reageer (1)

  • Guaje

    Wauw, helemaal in het Engels.. Moest ik ff veel moeite doena angezien mijn engels echt niet zo goed is xd

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