still no photo..

I runned about five minutes, when I hear the breaking of twigs near me. I look for bushes to hide behind, as I see someone coming.
I slide under a small bush, making my face and clothes dirty with the wet mud. I hope he doesn't see me, if he does, Letas is going to kill me.

'Hello?' the stranger shouts.

I see him clearly after he steps out of the shadows of the trees. I think he is as old as Jad, around 15..
He has short brown hair, and brown eyes. And he's clean, no mud stripes on his t-shirt, and no twigs in his hair..
I cringe as he turns my way, and as he turns I away, I release my breath. Then he turns back, and looks at me.

'Hello?' as he walks towards me
'Who are you? Can you help me?'

I growl as he comes closer, but I don't really want him to go away.
He looks as if I'm getting crazy as I'm getting up.

'Hi, err.. I guess..' as I'm watching him closely, really awary of the fact that I got twigs in my hair, mud on my clothes and face, and pain in my arm.

'Can you help me? I'm lost, do you know the way back?' I'm surprised he didn't run away, after he saw such a monster.. I guess he's brave..

I can't say anything, scared of saying something stupid again, so I point to the way I saw the things moving.

'That way? Okay, I should be going now, thanks for helping.' I look at him as he walks away, trying to look calm, but with fear in his eyes.

I start running, still with pain in my arm.
I find Letas immediately as soon as I see the pack. He is sitting on the edge, watching the others.
I think he heard me, because his face is already turned my way. He gets up and walks towards me. I tell him everything, about the ant-like creatures, and my arm, which still hurts. He tells me to go to Lorawe later, she can fix my arm.. I don't tell him about the boy, he only would get angry with me.

'What are you going to do about the humans? They might find us soon' I ask him.
'I thought about that, so don't worry, and rest.'

I walk away, and as soon as my face touches the ground, I'm asleep...

Btw.. Mijn(Jolien's) Blog ^^

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