I'm working out how the scanner works.. I'm going to draw..

As soon as Letas can't see me anymore, I start to walk. I'm exhausted from the run. I wish I didn't like climbing trees, then I would be sleeping now.. It starts to rain, and the raindrops are falling on my face and hair. I hope the tree isn't to slippery. Altough I'm a werewolf, I still can fall hard if I fall out of the tree. I need new clothes. These ones are getting too small for me. I think about Kynabi, whose Moon is already getting a red shade. It really can't take long before she changes.
It takes me half an hour before I reach the tree. Then I see I can't climb the tree. The branches are too high for me to reach. Luckily, there is another tree next to the big one, if I climb the small one, I should be able to reach the big one. It;s dangerous, especially since it's raining, but when I reach the highest branch, I think it was easier than it seemed.
I get frightened. Doesn't Letas know the woods very well? Why didn't he lead us to a safer place? What's he doing?
The reasons of my fear are the small ant-like creatures, I guess about 7 km away from the tree I'm sitting in. And some of them are moving this way...
As I watch longer, curiousity replaces my fear. I want to know more about those creatures, that were called humans. Agell says he's been with them earlier, but I don't believe him. He always tells lies, but there is always a piece of truth behind each lie..
Letas told everyone to stay away from them, he was the only one to go to the humans, because we need clothes. He never talks about it, and every time he comes back, he's in a really dark mood, so no one ever asks him about it..
I hurry down when I think the hour must be nearly over, not really looking where I am going. I get to my senses, just after I hear the breaking of the twig I am standing on..
I feall down, and I land hard on my arm. It is really painful, and I have to bear with the pain till I am back to the pack. I get up and run, trying not to think about what I've seen..

Reageer (1)

  • Yvanaa

    En wat leuk dat je zelf tekeningen maakt!
    Snel Verder!

    1 decennium geleden

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