Foto bij -4- Orders   (D)

Letas ^^

(En jah, ik weet het, Sasuke is egt cuwl (H))

After a few hours we stop running. Everyone is exhausted from the long journey, for we have travelled very far. I sit down on the mossy ground, and sigh. Kynabi walks towards me and sits down next to me.
‘What’s wrong?’ she asks curiously. I look at my best friend.
‘Nothing… I’m just tired.’
‘Yeah, me too… I wish we changed already, then we wouldn’t tire this quickly.’ I look around. The ones who changed and ran in “wolf mode” weren’t tired at all. They had changed back and were building a fire, or just chatting with each other. Again, I sigh.
‘Yeah… I wish that too… But we’ll just have to wait, it won’t take too long anymore…’ I smile at Kynabi. She really is a good friend. We have been best friends since… well… since we were born, I guess. We have laughed and cried together, and did everything together. We still do.
‘Ok guys, I guess everyone is tired, but we’ll still have to hunt. I will assign that task to a few of you… let’s see… Lorawe, Dynn, Zeet and Lorph, you’ll go hunt. Catch two or three deers or so, and bring them here. The rest of you can go do something else.’ Letas’ orders were absolute. No one could defy him, and no one tried to. I could only remember one time that someone tried that, and he was banned from the group. His name was Tryad. He was pretty strong, and thought he could defeat Letas and take leadership. He was wrong. Two years after he was banned, he came back. His hopes of gaining leadership hadn’t gone away. He attacked Letas again, and was killed. No one ever tried to fight Letas again.
‘Dawn, you go scout the area to see if there are any humans close by. You are good at climbing, so you can reach high places. Return here after an hour, and give me your results, understood?’ Once again Letas interrupts my mind blabbering.
‘Yes sir!’ I giggle. That sounds funny. Letas gives me an annoyed look.
‘Sorry… I’ll go then.’ I wave at Kynabi and stand up. Then I look around. Which way should I go first? I see a high tree, towering over the forest, in the west.
‘Alright.. Bye!’ I run west, towards the high tree.

O jah, mensjes die dit lezen... Zouden jullie misschien eens de andere stories van mij en Jolien willen lezen?? *puppyoogjes*
Dit zijn die van Dyonne:

En deze zijn van Jolien:

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