Foto bij -3- Running   (D)

This is Nyl ^-^

(En ja, ik weet dat het Len is... I Luf Len!!)

While sitting in my tree, I think about my fate as a werewolf. I will always stay in the forest, for the humans don’t know we still exist. They think we only appear in fairy tales and old legends, but they are wrong. We have been here longer then them. We have seen them evolve from animals to humans, and they forgot us. Not that we care, this way we all have peace. But still… I would like to go there someday.
‘Dawn, come here! We’re gonna move!’ I hear Nyl screaming right under my tree.
‘Yeah, I’m coming!’ I stretch my legs and prepare to jump. That is one of the advantages of being a werewolf, you almost never get hurt, no matter what you do. I jump down, right in front of Nyl. I can see the shock in his eyes.
‘Oh, I’m sorry... Did I surprise you?’ I look at the kid in front of me. Nyl is now 10 years old… and really hyperactive. Sometimes it’s funny, but most of the time it’s just annoying. Right now he looks like he can faint any second. I sigh.
‘Nyl, you’re a werewolf! Don’t let people surprise you this easily! If you stay like this even a bunny could kill you!’ I pat him on the shoulder and turn around. Then I start to walk away. Nyl shakes his head and runs after me.

After a few minutes we reach the others. Everyone who can already change, is in “wolf mode”. The rest, myself included, will be walking on two legs, instead of four. Our pack consists of 22 members. 16 guys, and 8 girls. 12 guys, and 3 girls can change. With werewolves it is normal that they start to change when they are around 14 years old. Which means my Moon will be red very soon.
‘Come on, guys, we’re leaving!’ Letas’ voice stops the blabbering in my head. Letas runs in the front, with the rest of us behind him. I am running in the middle. Next to me are Agell and Irani, behind me Niachia and Deladi, and in front of me Kynabi and Dynn. We always run in the same formation. The strongest ones are on the outside, and the weaker ones on the inside. This way, if we are attacked, the weaker ones will be safe. I am also one of the weaklings, just because I haven’t changed yet. I sigh. Why won’t the Moon turn red…? I shake my head. I shouldn’t think of that right now. Now I should focus on running. Running with my family.

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