Pic is made at the moment... Jolien is drawing it :Y)

I smile as the sun touches my face. I'm running between my pack, on two feet instead of four paws. I don't mind. After the Moon turns red, I will be one of them too. I look at my Moon, it's on the inside of my arm. It's bright white now.
I wake up from my thoughts as Kynabi, my friend, is whispering 'Be quiet, I smell a deer.'
My mind goes empty. The other members already changed. They're really different when they are changed, they got big, sharp teeth, and they got a fur.
I watch as they catch the deer, but I close my eyes when they cut it's throat. I can't watch that, although I have to do that myself one time.
Letas is the first one to take a bite, then he throws flesh to the ones who don't have a red Moon yet, so we don't have to get into the fight between the werewolves, if we got, we would be killed.
I take a piece, which is still warm, and start to eat. I like the blood which fills my mouth. Although the sun shines, I'm cold. I can't wait till my Moon changes, then I'll have a warm fur too, and I don't have to depend on others for my food.

I'm full when Letas howls. We are free now, and can run through the woods.
I walk away, to my tree.. Athar call's it my only friend, because I tell everything to the tree. It's a huge oak, it's on the edge of the forest. When you climb to the top, you can see many grey squares. The werewolves told me it were cities. It's a place I've never been to. I've never been out of the forest. I dream to go there sometime, but I can't, because I'm a werewolve.

I climb in my tree. All to the top. I watch the weird grey squares as the sun is climbing higher and higher...

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