Foto bij Changed [Another Meaning]


When the human comes in, it doesn’t look at me. Instead it looks at the floor, probably expecting to see me lying there. When it sees that I’m not there, a look of surprise crosses it’s face. It lifts it’s head to search the room, looking for me. Even more surprise comes when it sees I’m just sitting on the bed. It rushes in, and closes the door. In it’s hand, it has a pile of dirty looking rags. Then it opens it’s mouth and says: “Hey, you woke up! Got some clothes here for ya, so… Well, I’ll put ‘em here…” It puts the clothes on the table in the corner closest to the door and steps back. It seems a bit nervous… I can see it in the way it moves, and hear it in the way it talks. “How are ya feelin’? Oh wait, ya can’t speak can ya? Probably can’t even understand what I’m sayin’…” While it talks, I keep staring straight into it’s eyes. Act like you don’t understand a word of what he says… Actually, I don’t have to act that part… I know what it’s saying, but I can hear a hidden meaning in the words. That’s the part I don’t understand, because I don’t understand why it doesn’t just say exactly what it means. You’ll find out soon enough… “Well, I’ll leave you alone… put on the clothes if you want to…” The human steps through the door and closes it again. I hear a clicking sound. You heard it, didn’t you? The way he spoke, as if he was hiding something… I nod. Well, about what I wanted to say when I was interrupted by the human… The humans are bad. They killed me, and they want to use you. They told me a lot, because they knew I was just gonna die to give you a body. That means they don’t know I’m here, which we have to keep a secret. It gives you an advantage if you ever need it. Also don’t show them you understand them, that way they’ll probably first teach you how to speak… That’ll give us some time. By the way, my name is Saya. ‘S… Sa… Saya… Saya!’ I’m surprised to hear my voice, which is making the same sounds as the humans. You can speak! Saya’s voice also sounds surprised. Do you also have a name? I shake my head. Hmm… Then I’ll give you one, alright? I nod enthusiastically. Hmm… Let me think… What is a good name for you…? Ehmm… I could almost hear her think. Faye! I’ll call you Faye! Do you like it? If not, I’ll think of something else… I don’t really listen anymore. I am too busy with nodding, until it begins to hurt my neck. You can stop now, I’m getting dizzy… ‘‘Fa… Fa… Faye…! Sa… Saya and Faye!’ Good! But you have to be silent now, I think the humans will soon be coming back, and if you speak too loud the guards will hear you. ‘Gu… Guards?’ They are humans that watch you, to see to it that you don’t escape… Then we hear footsteps again. The door opens, and once again a human comes in. But this time it’s a different one than before. This human looks really… really… Strict. That’s the word for how he looks. Then it begins to talk, in now understandable words. ‘You didn’t dress yet? Take the cloths,’ it points at the pile of rags on the table, ‘and put them on. That can’t be really hard.’ I look at it, with a confused look on my face. The human sighs. ‘Alright, I’ll help you, but it’s only this once. I don’t have time for this…’ It walks towards the table at picks up the rags. Then it walks towards me and puts the pile of rags on the bed, besides me. 'Alright then, let's put some clothes on you.'

Reageer (3)

  • Yvanaa


    1 decennium geleden
  • silferdeath

    Mooi zeg
    Snel verderxD

    1 decennium geleden
  • Adrilla

    Snel verder!

    1 decennium geleden

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