**drie kwartier later, op MSN**
Dewi says: are you still here?
Justin says: I’m not offline, so yes. Give me your reasen.
Dewi says: it starts a copple of years ago. You was my boyfriend, but… Tom was jalous.
Justin says: no, stop. Put your webcam on, I want to hear how you say this.
Ik zette mijn webcam aan en begon te praten.
‘out of all the girls that liked him, he wanted me. Me, but I had a boyfriend. I had you.’
Ik slikte. Op het scherm zag ik de ogen die ik zo goed kende al mijn bewegingen volgen.
‘he followed me, he ask me many times to be hij girl. But I had you, and I don’t wanted to lose you.’ Justin keek nu ook moeilijk. ‘but you kissed him.’
‘let me explain,’ zei ik ‘he came to my house, putted his arms on me. But I still said no.’
‘but you kissed him.’
‘the biggest mistake of my life. My little brother was very sick that days. He had to drink many medicines every day. And one of that medicines became poison if you pout salt in it.’
In de ogen van Justin stond ontzetting te lezen.
‘you don’t gonna tell me that he…’ zijn stem brak.
‘he said he will put salt in his medicine if I don’t be his girlfriend. So I said yes. I wasn’t shoure if he realy woud do it, but… I was also not shoure if he won’t do it. But I don’t wanna lose you, so I didn’t tell you anything.’

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