Foto bij Changed [Different]

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When I wake up, I feel kinda… weird. Different. Every part of me hurts like hell. I try to move my legs, but they won’t obey. Then I try to open my eyes. They do obey, but while they open, it doesn’t feel like they are my eyes. It just feels different. Like I’m in the body of something else. While my eyes are adjusting to the light, I try to move another part of my body, any part. My mouth moves, and my toes… but nothing else. I can’t move my ears to try to pick up a sound, and can’t even move my tail. When my eyes are adjusted, I see a room. The room is different from before, but it’s the same room. My scent still lingers here. But in the beginning the room was dark and empty. But now there is some furniture. It changed… I jump up, immediately frightened of the voice in my head. But, I was right when I said my body felt weird. It still feels weird, and I can’t control it. I fall forward, hitting the floor with my head. Now my body hurts even more… What happened just now? What was that voice? Once again I shoot up. Although, this time I kinda expect it, so I let myself fall back, so my butt hits the floor. Even that hurts. It also feels really cold. Where is my fur? I lift my paw, trying to look at it. It is easier than I expected. Normally I would have to stretch my paw to be able to see it… Then I really see it. What is this…? This is not my paw… There is no fur! Only bare skin… Wait… My paw… It looks like the paws of the humans! I try to move it, figuring out how it works. When I stretch it, it becomes longer than my paw was before I came here… Then I bend it again. It feels weird, different from normal. It also bends at different places… Then I try to move the end of it. Hand. It’s called a hand… The hand moves in the same way the end of my paw did, but the toes are longer… No, not toes… Fingers. When I am finished figuring out how my paw works, I try to lift my hind paw. This is not as easy as the front paw… Leave it on the ground, you can look at it from there… I listen to voice and look at the ground. There are two very long paws, also with bare skin. I bend one of them, and then straighten it again. It also feels different from before. Try to get up, but be careful, otherwise you will fall again. Slowly I get up, scared of falling again. When I’m standing, very proud of myself that I don’t fall, I look around once again. The room really changed a lot. As I said, first it was empty, but now a few pieces of furniture were inside. Walk to the bed, you can sit on it. I turn my head, not knowing what a bed is, the voice explains it to me. The bed is that long flat thing in the corner. I turn around and see the bed. I make my hind paws bring me to the bed and sit down. It’s nice and soft. That’s better, right? Now, I will explain everything to you… If there is something you don’t understand, put up your hand, alright? You probably can’t talk yet… So, we’ll do it this way.

When you were captured in the room with the big iron table in the middle, they drugged you, so that you wouldn’t wake up. Then they brought you to the big table, and made a cut in your head. It bled really much… They stopped the bleeding with salve, and connected a machine to your head, by bringing in countless cables and tubes. I only know this part because the humans were talking about it when I awakened. Anyway, when they pulled out the cables and tubes, I woke up. It was really weird for me, being in the body of a wolf. You see, first I was a human, but I’ll tell you that story another time. Well, when I awakened, I immediately knew something had gone wrong. When I was still human, they told me that a part of my brain would be used to change a wolf into a human, or something like that. I really didn’t understand what they were talking about… But they also told me I would die… And I don’t think that’s the case right now. I mean, how many dead people can still speak? Even if it is in someone else’s head, I still think I’m alive. Wait, I was talking about you, not me… So something had gone wrong, and I think I know what… Maybe they also took the part of my brain where my consciousness was, and placed it inside yours. After they closed the wound, they put you in this room again, which had already been changed. You were still a wolf then, but slowly… very slowly… you began to change. First your toes and your fingers, then the arms and legs, then the head and then the rest of your body. I think you should be happy that you were asleep, because it looked really painful… really, really painful. When you were fully human, I screamed and screamed inside your head, trying to wake you up, but you continued to sleep. A few times a human came in to check on you, but there was just no way to wake you up. The last time someone came in was two whole days ago, and you’ve been here for about five or six days. The humans probably think you’ll never wake up… That brings me to the next thing, the humans are…
The door opens, and a human comes in. I’ll tell you later, you’ll need to keep your attention on the humans now.

Reageer (1)

  • Yvanaa

    Wow, die was lang >.< maar wel leuk :)

    1 decennium geleden

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