Foto bij Changed [Experiments]

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I wake up to the sound of an opening door. Slowly I open my eyes. I see a human, but I miss the usual fear in it’s eyes. They are as cold as ice, with no emotion. It walks towards me, and I growl. It doesn’t retreat, so I get up. My hair bristles on my back and my growl grows louder. A little fear enters the human’s eyes. With one hand it reaches behind it’s back. The other hand it keeps in front of itself, to defend if I might attack. After a few seconds the hands comes back to the front, but now it holds one of those shooting sticks. I back down, because I know I can’t defeat this thing. The human comes closer again. I lie down and stop growling. Now the other hand goes behind the back. It comes back with a rope. The human puts the rope around my neck and leads me to the door. I walk next to it without knowing where this human will bring me or what it will do to me. After a few minutes of this I see a closed door. The human tries to open it, but it won’t budge. Then it slams it’s fist on the door. ‘Yes?’ comes a voice from the unknown place behind the closed door. ‘I have the wolf, let me in.’ says my human. The door is opened and we walk on. The room behind the door is a wide, open, round room. Everywhere are tools to cut and hurt. In the middle of the room is a large, iron bed. My human leads me towards it. Then it reaches for me as if it wants to pick me up. Like I’ll let it do that. I growl, as a warning. It doesn’t pull back. I crouch, and it freezes. A little fear enters it’s cold eyes. I test my footing, and then I jump. My teeth dig into it’s throat and it tries to pull me off. I won’t let go. A lot of humans come rushing towards us. It doesn’t matter, I just keep holding the human by it’s throat. It has stopped moving, and I can feel the hot blood dripping into my mouth. The taste of it makes my head spin. One of the other humans grabs my tail and yanks really hard. A whine escapes my throat and I let go of the human. It falls to the ground and doesn’t move. Then I hear a click. One of the other humans has taken the shooting stick of my human, which it dropped when I attacked it. The stick is pointed at me, and I hear another click. Once again I feel the pain in my shoulder, and I try to run away. But then a human closes the door, which was the only escape route in the big room. My instincts scream: ‘Run! You have to escape! Danger!’ I run and run, but I can’t escape. My sight is getting cloudy, and my paws heavy. I slow down to a walk and take a few more steps, then I collapse.

Reageer (3)

  • Yvanaa

    Je kan egt goed schrijven!

    1 decennium geleden
  • UchihaDyonne

    Wtf xander, wrm busse bliej es der emes dood geit??

    1 decennium geleden
  • 11rednax11

    ik vind het heel fantastisch hoofdstuk en de man is dood :D:D:D

    1 decennium geleden

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