Foto bij Changed [Caught]

Next One!

I wake up and open my eyes. I see an empty room, with nothing in it. The floor is cold and hard. I try to stand up, but paws are sore, and I collapse again. A whine escapes from my throat. Then I hear human voices outside the door. ‘I think she’s awake, go give her some meat.’ After that, the door opens and a human comes in. I smell meat, and once again I try to get up. This time, driven by my hunger, I succeed. Slowly I walk to the human, and when I am a few meters away from it, I stop and sit down. I watch it, to see if it does anything. I remember the humans that shot me in the forest, and this is not one of them. Maybe it will actually give me the food. I lie down, the less threatening I appear, the more chance I’ve got for food. The human is staring at me. It has cold eyes, which betray no emotion. I return the stare. After a few minutes of this staring contest, I give up. With just staring I won’t get the meat, and being not threatening doesn’t work either. I get up and take a step towards the human. It takes a step back. I growl deep in my throat. It takes another step towards the door. Then I pull up my lip show my teeth, while growling louder. It takes the last step towards the door, throws the meat at me and escapes. So that’s how I get the food. I walk towards it and sniff it. It smells like deer meat. I take a nip, and it tastes delicious. My stomach aches of hunger, so I devour the meat as fast as I can. Then I walk back to the back of the room. I turn so that I can watch the door. I lie down, and stare at the door. When I’m about to fall asleep. I hear voices again. ‘Go in and try to see if she lets you pet her!’ ‘ B- but… what if she attacks me?’ ‘ I don’t care, she has to trust us, otherwise the plan won’t work.’ ‘Alright, alright! I’ll go in!’ After that, the door opens. A human comes in, and the door is closed from the outside. The human inside looks terrified. I can see the fear in it’s eyes, which are kept on me. I lift my head, so that I can look it straight in the eye. It looks away, and I put my head back on my paws. This is boring… I close my eyes. The human forms no danger, so I can sleep. But then the human comes closer. It takes one step at a time, at a very slow pace. Annoyed I open my eyes again. The fear in it’s eyes has decreased. It looks more confident now. I lift my head and stare at it. It freezes. I get up and stretch. Then I walk toward the human, who is still standing on the same spot, frozen with fear. Again. When I am one step away from it, I sit down. The human looks at me as if I’m gonna eat it. Maybe I will… I’m still hungry. But I don’t think it will taste very good… I drop my eyes. I wag my tail to show I mean it no harm. It’s fear decreases again. It brings it’s hand to my head, and when it is about to touch me, it pulls away. I whine softly. The hand comes back, and this time it actually touches me. The petting feels nice, but also wrong, against my instincts. I follow my instincts, and dig my teeth into the hand. The human screams out in pain. I jump back and growl ferociously. The human runs towards the door and hits it with his good hand. The door is opened and it runs away. When I can’t hear the sound of it’s fleeing footsteps anymore, I walk back to my place, satisfied with my actions. Now these humans know that they shouldn’t mess with me, that I will defend myself. With that feeling I fall asleep.

Reageer (3)

  • Yvanaa

    Leuk! ik heb abo genomen!! :Y)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Adrilla

    Hoewel mijn Engels nog niet zo goed ontwikkeld is dat ik alles begrijp, vind ik dit toch prachtig. Jouw verhaal is voor mij een welkome goedgeschreven afwisseling na alle fanfictions en ga vooral verder met schrijven, want dat kun je ;D

    1 decennium geleden
  • UchihaDyonne

    Reacties? (A)

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